Archive for April, 2013

Obama’s Cloward-Piven Strategy Taking Longer Than Expected
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Obama’s plan to fundamentally change America by crashing her government and her society and remaking it in the model of a socialist dung heap (Cloward-Piven in a nutshell) is taking longer than had been expected.

See, these pesky conservatives refuse to go away.  We’re “hanging in here like a hair in a biscuit!”  Crude?  Yeah.  Accurate?  Darned right!

Think about it.  Obama only has to defeat half the country.  Nearly half of America’s citizens pay no taxes and have no “skin in the game.”  They could not care less what happens to America so long as those “gov-mint” checks keep showing up in their bank accounts and/or mail boxes.

Unfortunately for the “Progressive/Marxists,” America’s conservative core will not surrender.

So the Obama revolutionaries push even harder.  They are relentless in their drive to transform America into a communist country and a police state.

The increase in Americans on the government dole is a major part of their scheme.  In fact it is the foundation upon which the plan to collapse the American economy is built.   It is also the corner stone of the strategy to collapse our constitutional representative form of government into a communist “republic,” you know, like North Korea.

Think about it.  Already the Cloward-Piven bunch has captured one half of America’s citizens.  The government feeds, clothes, and houses them — and even gives them a cell phone. — for FREE!  There is no way under the sun that that 49 percent of Americans will ever support a form of government that demands they work for a living and contribute something, anything, to their country.

Half of the country is made up of wards of the government/state.  Over the generations, responsibility has been bred and indoctrinated out of them.  They are now, for all intents and purposes, drones.Omega

Generations of families on the dole have established that form of living as the “norm.” within the drone community.

But what about their indoctrination?

In an article by David Kupelian entitled: “Americans ‘snapping’ by the millions” Mr. Kupelian says the following:  “We need to realize that Americans could not have twice elected a leader as transcendentally unworthy of the presidency as Barack Obama without first having had their minds and hearts captured. Through constant leftist indoctrination, emotional manipulation, ruthless intimidation – and then being rewarded once they have “converted” – perhaps half of the American electorate has been programmed over the course of decades by a subversive school system and equally perverse “news” establishment. Truth be told, both institutions have become full-blown abominations, occupying as they do near-sacred stations of public trust in American civilization.” SOURCE:

Mr. Kupelian is spot on.  The Progressive/Marxists have been at this a very long time.  It did not just spring up with Obama.  Obama just happens to be their willing co-conspirator believing, as he does, in the Cloward-Piven Strategy — and — having been groomed since childhood for just this task — at just this time in history.

Years ago, I wrote of the America’s roiling rage just below the surface.  With the added weight and effrontery of Obama and Cloward-Piven, with the audacious (even arrogant) behavior of Obama’s minions in the various departments of government, that rage is beginning to break through to the surface.  

Stress is the order of the day in America.  Everyone, I mean EVERYONE (except the drone community), is on edge.  Nerves are stretched to the breaking point.  There is a sense that something is about to happen, something that will throw America into chaos.

Firearm sales are at historic levels.  Ammunition has, for the most part, been sold out across the nation.  Ammo dealers and gun dealers have stacks of back orders.  Ammo manufacturers say they are working overtime to turn out as much product as possible and yet, they are unable to meet the demand.

What’s happening?  Well, that fifty percent of Americans — not in Obama’s orbit — are preparing to defend their rights, their constitution.  They are preparing to defend the country many swore to defend in the oaths they took as members of America’s military and as police officers, and sheriff’s deputies, etc., plus — the millions of Americans motivated by love of freedom and the determination to fight to preserve the country their ancestors fought, bled, and died to hand down to them.

The atmosphere in America today is electric.  Like the two poles of a magnet, the two political poles repel each other. 

The country is split into two nearly equal halves.  There is a near audible hum emanating from the energy built up on both sides.

The clash, when it comes, will be “biblical” in it’s intensity.  Believe me, the scars left from the last American-on-American clash are still visible and still raw after 150 years — at least in my beloved Dixie.

There is a pressure valve, however, to ease the pressure and stave off a nationwide explosion.  It is the mid-term election in November of 2014.  If we can make it that far without going to war with each other, we may have a chance.

In order to stop the coming conflict between Americans, voters will have to vote for conservatives to hold the US House of Representatives — and — capture the US Senate.  It is the ONLY way to avoid a meltdown and the explosion that will tear the nation apart no matter who “wins” the conflict.

© J. D. Longstreet


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Syria is a “NO Win” for the USOmega
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet



Don’t know about you, but I haven’t lost a cotton-picking thing in Syria! And I am not eager to have the US become entangled in another Middle Eastern civil war in which there are NO GOOD GUYS!

Involvement in the Syrian mess is a no win situation for the US. Any faction we back has the potential to turn the arms we provide them on us — now or later.

The first thing the White House ought to do, it seems to me, is shut up!  Obama should stop creating so-called “red lines,” “lines in the sand,”  and “game changer” scenarios.

Assad is not afraid of Obama. Hardly anybody is, for that matter.  He is seen world wide as a motor-mouth with no spine to back up his threats.

Obama’s pronouncements of future action in Syria are not taken seriously — and with good reason. His empty threats are now seen as more comical than serious.   Frankly, it makes America look bad internationally, and it embarrasses many of us here at home.

Worst still, it nullifies America’s implied power abroad.  Our allies look at us and wonder if we can be trusted any longer.  America’s word is in question. To this ole southern boy it is worst, even, than that.  It means our HONOR is in question.

When one looks objectively at the Syrian mess, there simply are no good options for America.

As the well qualified “armchair general” that I am, I an say without hesitation I see no way to “win” in Syria.  It looks, for all the world, like another Iraq and another Afghanistan.  The scenario I see is that we’d send in thousands of US troops (and materiel), and months, or years, later we leave having spent gobs of our treasure and gallons of our blood only to have Syria revert right back to the mess it is in currently — even before the dust of our last exiting deuce-and-a-half has settled.

Gone are the days when the American military would land on the beaches of Syria and drive inwards all the way to he borders of Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, cutting down all before it like a scythe.  That’s not going to happen.

If there is military operations against Syria, it will probably be in the form of cruise missiles lobed from ships standing well out in the Mediterranean Sea so as not to come in contact with Russian warships anchored or cruising just off Syria’s shoreline.

There is considerable talk of imposing a “no-fly” zone over a part or parts of Syria.  As I understand it, this would create humanitarian zones in hopes that the Syria refugees now flooding surround countries could stay in relative safety inside their own country without fear of being shot or strafed from the air, bombarded by artillery, or fired upon by missile and rocket firing combat helicopters.

Establishing no-fly zones is not easy. It entails dong extensive damage to the target country’s air defense system, likely its air force, most certainly bombing air fields and landing strips and shooting down Syrian aircraft in the air and on the ground, and even clearing and maintaining an artillery free zone for more than a score of miles around the designated humanitarian zone.

And the maintenance of the no fly zone would be extraordinarily expensive for it requires twenty-four hour a day air patrols to insure that, indeed, nothing flies in than zone other than approved aircraft.  It is NOT an easy task.

The US is the world’s premier breaking and entering military.  In our own form of blitzkrieg, or “lightening war,” we have the ability along with the equipment and the combat tested and hardened troops to smash our way into a country swiftly and violently.

The real warriors in the US military will tell you that imposing a no fly zone anywhere over Syria will, no doubt, be answered by Assad’s military, which will then have to be dealt with.  That may, very well, entail US boots on the ground and what every US commander hates — “mission creep.”  Next thing you know, we are in a full blown war in Syria with no pre-planned end game in place.

Taking out, or securing Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons wold be a nightmare.  It would require thousands of US troops on the ground searching for those chemical weapons, which Intel informs has been moved to various locations in the country.

And what about a coalition of like minded countries joining America in Syria?  Well, according to our newly minted Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel,  there is no appetite for any such coalition at present.  His exact words reportedly were:  “no international or regional consensus on supporting armed intervention now exists.”

The British and the French can usually be counted on to watch our backs and, I expect, they’d be right in there with us.  But there is a strong possibility they would be it so far as a coalition is concerned.

It is clear America is edging ever closer to a reluctant military involvement in Syria and this commentator is not convinced the American people are with the President if, that is, he actually does decide to commit militarily to Syria.  I know at least one commentator who is certainly not ready for another Middle Eastern War unless, of course, it is with Iran.

Iran is a whole “nuther story” for another day.

© J. D. Longstreet


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A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


To many Americans abortion is an offense so serious that capital punishment would be considered appropriate.

Of course, it must be against the law first — and it isn’t.

Personally, I simply cannot think of a deed more dastardly, more evil, more repulsive than deliberately killing babies.

In the Scriptures, if someone injured a pregnant women so severely that the infant inside her died, that person’s life was taken — even though it may have been an accident.

“It is unconscionable that 1.3 million unborn and even born babies are murdered annually in America. To put this atrocity into perspective, 1.3 million is even more than the number of Jews the Nazis gassed annually during the Holocaust.”  SOURCE:

My personal feelings on the matter are these: I do not support abortion, except in the case of incest, rape, or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy.  In the case of incest and rape, if the mother does not wish to keep the child then, I would prefer the child be given up for adoption rather than aborted.

“Rape and incest deserve one further note: They (thank God) represent a relatively uncommon cause of pregnancy – and figure in less than 2 percent of abortions. The other 98 percent are done for the sake of convenience (not that of the baby). Abortion represents the most common surgical procedure performed in America today.”  SOURCE: 

Did you know the term “Murder” applies only to humans?  You cannot “murder” any other species on the planet.  You can kill them, you can slaughter them, but you cannot murder them. Why is that?

Well, let’s begin at the beginning… in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

Genesis chapter 9, verse 6, says the following: “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.”

It is obvious, then, that a human life is precious in the sight of God.  The life of a totally innocent baby, I would think, would be super-precious in the eyes of the Creator of all life.

All murders are homicide, but not all homicides are murder.  Homicide defined is:  The killing of a human being by another human being. 

An accidental killing of one human by another is homicide, but it is not murder.  The intentional killing of a human by another human is also homicide, but as the act was intentional, it is, therefore, murder.

I believe that human life begins at the moment of conception.  It is an article of faith for me.  I cannot prove that life begins at that instant, but, I BELIEVE that it does. It is MY  unshakable belief without need for proof or evidence.

More than 50 million babies have been slaughtered since the US Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade back in 1973.  Nobody even really talks that much about this issue anymore.  For many it is NOT an issue and for those for whom it IS an issue, there are the threats, spoken and unspoken, to motivate them to remain silent and/or hold their peace.

“A Department of Homeland Security report that was released in January 2012 says that if you are “anti-abortion”, you are a potential terrorist.  Unfortunately, there have also been other government reports that have also identified “anti-abortion” protesters as potential threats.”  SOURCE:

Today America has become a vast “killing field” where the blood of innocents has been, and continues to be, spilled my the millions. Call it infanticide, if you will, but it has become a full blown massacre. The blood of those innocents has stained America with an eternal guilt that can never be cleansed from our nation’s soul.

Consider this:  “America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts — a child — as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters.

And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign.”
  — Mother Teresa

I repeat, the stain on America’s soul is indelible.  There will be a day of reckoning from which we cannot escape.

© J. D. Longstreet


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The Obama chronicles: The deceptions, the murders and continuing ObamaGov terrorism

By Sher Zieve

While Obama and his syndicate continue to gut the USA economically, openly steal from and continue to subjugate we US citizens, send millions and even billions of taxpayer dollars to the real terrorists (the Muslim Brotherhood and its mOmegayriad evil spawns) and remove US citizens’ freedoms while giving more freedoms to jihadists and illegal aliens, Obama continues to work diligently to terrorize America and its people with one manufactured crisis after another. Remember, chaos is still the tyrant’s best friend and keeps people watching the illusory ‘bright shiny thing’ while the real-and-far-worse thing is being implemented by Obama and his criminal buddies. Realistically, in order to buy into all of the continuing-to-be-manufactured false and/or manipulated crises one’s disbelief must be suspended far beyond this realm of existence. In other words, you have to be a complete lunatic to actually buy into the refuse Obama is spreading in front of you.

Obama, his entrenched cabal and his collaborators are veritably drunk with their fortified wine of power.

Briefly…very briefly as there is way too much to cover in one column…here are some of the major lowlights Obama has brought to our shores since he usurped the Office of POTUS Obama:

1. Immediately issued his first Executive Order to permanently seal and remove from public inspection all of his personal data including – but not necessarily limited to – his birth records, educational records and passport records

2. Appointed childhood friend Timothy Geithner to the position of Secretary of the Treasury and immediately began looting said treasury (our treasury); including sending billions to overseas banks, countries unfriendly to the USA and ObamaBuddies wherever they were

3. Instructed DHS to issue documents calling Christians, soldiers returning from war and conservative Constitutionalists terrorists and deleted any references to the real Islamic terrorists from US government documents. Note: Obama has continued this practice and recently had his wholly-owned SPLC issue a “report” stating that US Patriot Groups are the domestic terrorists. There is, again, no mention of Islam as being terrorists…although its members continue to enact the greatest number of terrorist incidents in the world

4. Began destroying the US economy and job market via massive new regulations (there are now 8.5 million fewer jobs than when Obama took the Office of POTUS) and began discontinuing real energy in the USA

5. With the Democrat-controlled Senate and behind closed doors, forced through ObamaCare against the will of the majority of US citizens and no real discussions with Republican Senators

6. With help from double-agent Sen. John McCain, Obama zeroed in on ending due process (i4th Amendment to the US Constitution) via his changes to the NDAA Bill as well as instituting a new anti-free speech bill and with turncoat John Boehner’s willing assistance. HR 347 passed, which disallows anyone protesting Obama within his earshot or eyesight. This is what all dictators./tyrants affect

7. Instituted a new push to end the 2nd Amendment by unconstitutionally taxing and regulating gun manufacturers out of business, while having the government buy up as much ammunition and magazines – billions of rounds now – in order to keep them away from the people of this country. BTW, you are aware the ObamaGov is using your/our taxpayer money to affect this against you…right?

8. And, please let’s not forget the assassinations of the US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, his aide and 2 Navy Seals that tried to save them. To date, the Obama syndicate has been in cover-up/lying mode since Obama allowed the Benghazi assassinations of US citizens to proceed…and these were his appointees. Do leftists really think he won’t allow or directly kill them (drones…remember?) if they ever get out of line and irritate him?

9. Recently, Obama’s government schools have taken aim at school children (as young as 5 years of age) by suspending or expelling them if they even use a sentence that has the word “gun” in it or point their tiny fingers in the shape of an imaginary gun. And, also recently, Eric Holder’s DOJ argued in court that children do not have the “right” to a Mother! I think we know where this will be going, as Holder has hinted at government ownership of children…not parents. Note: There are so many of these since the beginning of 2013 that it has become difficult to keep up with the incidents. But, I have included as many as space would allow below this column


What sorts of mentally defective/low IQ individuals are in charge of “teaching” our young children? To me, this is a severely blatant attempt to ‘socially engineer’ them into the fear of even the slightest mention of guns and is designed to send them running and screaming away from anyone who says the “g” word. For those of you who voted for Obama not once but, twice, is this really what you anticipated from your dictator-in-chief?

With Obama and his syndicate running the USA off the cliff of survivability, we are living in the most dangerous times in US history. Republicans (RINOs) whose masks have finally fallen to the ground are enthusiastically supporting thie master in the destruction of America. Note: I suspect these have been promised a ‘rich reward’ of governorships of districts, as Obama begins the process of dissolving US States in preparation for the planned Islamic caliphate. However, unless they are male and unless they convert to Islam…well, I think we all know what follows that.

We are now out of time, folks. I truly hope and pray we are as prepared as is possible for what is to come. Pray to God and repent. It is – and has always been – our only true hope.

“For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death” – Psalm 48:14

SPLC Letter To DOJ & DHS: Patriot Groups Pose Domestic Terror Threat:

In 2011 Obama Regime Issued $216 Billion in New Regulations:

Unlawful Obama Regime: Releases Required Regulatory Agenda for 2012 at End of 2012:

8.5 million fewer jobs than when Obama took office:

DOJ: Children Do Not Need – and Have No Right to – Mothers:

Children as young as 5 years old suspended for any reference to guns:

Public schools turning stupid over guns

Washington boy suspended for talking about toy Nerf guns, suspension overturned

Actor Joseph C. Phillips says teacher threatened son over photo of BB gun

Philadelphia fifth-grader searched, threatened, called a murderer over paper gun

Seven-year-old boy suspended for tossing imaginary grenade at recess

Six-year-old suspended from school for making finger gun, saying ‘pow’

Five-year-old named terrorist threat, suspended after threat to shoot bubbles

© Sher Zieve


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Immigration Reform = Democratic Control of the US for Generations

A Commentary by J. D. LongstreetOmega

I sometimes wonder why I even bother!

It is frustrating to write column after column about illegal immigration, about amnesty for illegal aliens and how that amnesty will most certainly benefit the Democratic Party and crush the Republican Party out of existence while I watch the GOP continuing to commit suicide.  THIS time, however, the GOP is insuring their party’s death by promoting passage of the Immigration Reform Bill soon to be before Congress and rammed down the throat of America much as Obamacare.

We have told our readers and warned our readers for years that the ultimate aim of immigration reform was — and remains —  a tool to secure control of the US government for the Communist/Labor/Democratic Party.
I cringe when I see a man many believe will be the GOP’s Presidential candidate in 2016 making the rounds of the talk shows on radio and TV and pushing for passage of the Immigration Reform bill.   Has he lost his mind?  Does he not understand the voting rights acquired by those given amnesty under the Immigration Reform bill will be used AGAINST the GOP as that huge block of Hispanic voters will most certainly vote for the democratic candidates from City Hall, to the Congress, to the White House. It is a given.  All we have to do is look at the record to see that this is exactly the conduct to expect.

In an article entitled:  “Immigration reform could be bonanza for Democrats” by Emily Schultheis at, Ms. Schultheis says the following:

“The immigration proposal pending in Congress would transform the nation’s political landscape for a generation or more — pumping as many as 11 million new Hispanic voters into the electorate a decade from now in ways that, if current trends hold, would produce an electoral bonanza for Democrats and cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily.”  SOURCE:

The only surprise here is that ANYONE would be surprised!

“Historically, however, there is no mistaking the reality that most Hispanics trend Democratic during their early years of voting.” SOURCE:

Consider this from “Super-Economy:”  “The Hispanic vote is now finally large enough to win Democrats elections. Unlike what Karl Rove, Jeb Bush and Fox News might claim, this is almost entirely due to the growth of the Hispanic population share, not due to Hispanics having moved against Republicans. Hispanics have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in every election during the last three decades.”  SOURCE:

In the very same article we learn:  “… there has never been a majority of Hispanics voting for a Republican president. This even when Republicans have supported or even enacted an immigration Amnesty, the issue most commonly cited as key to garner Hispanic support. The variation in Republican support is fairly small. What turned out to be decisive in 2012 was hence the increase in the number of Hispanic voters.”  SOURCE:

Then there is this from Tea Party Connect:  “The burden of illegal immigration on our already overstressed welfare system has been widely documented. Some towns in California have even been taken over by illegal immigrant drug cartels. The disease, crime and overcrowding brought by illegal immigrants places a heavy burden on every segment of society and every level of government, threatening to split this country apart at the seams. In the meantime, radical leftist efforts to grant illegal immigrants citizenship guarantee a huge pool of new democrat voters. With little border control, terrorists can also filter in.”  SOURCE:

Then there is this from an article by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh at Canada Free Press:   “Illegal immigrants believe in bigger government and welfare as a source of wellbeing and success. They become new loyal Democrat voters who could ultimately shift the balance of power in our country to Democrats, without any checks and balances.”  SOURCE:

Marinka Peschmann, also in an article at Canada Free Press, said: “Let’s cut to the chase. If the Gang of Eight’s so-called immigration reform legislation becomes law, expect the number of illegal aliens that will be legalized in a broken, crime riddled agency, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), to explode. Everyone from family members, step children, gang members and drunk drivers are welcome to apply.”  SOURCE:

Look.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on with the Immigration Reform bill.  It is a raw power grab by the democrats to solidify their hold on the US government for as far into the future as the eye can see.  And, judging from their recent efforts, the Republican Party is eager to help them do it.

© J. D. Longstreet


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Get Ready For A Nuclear Iran!Omega
Has Iran Already Crossed the Red Line?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


According to The Israeli National News: “Former Military Intelligence head, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, said Tuesday that “Iran has already crossed Israel’s new ‘red line'” regarding nuclear weapons development.

Yadlin, who is the Head of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), said that in the summer, Iran will reach a distance of one or two months between a decision and a bomb.” That is, it will be able to build a nuclear bomb within a month or two of deciding to do so.

“This is a breakthrough range that will make it very difficult to stop Iran, when it decides to have a bomb.”SOURCE:

In the same article Yadlin is quoted as saying:  “Negotiations can succeed, he added, if the U.S. creates a credible military option. This will be achieved if the U.S. prepares for a surgical strike for stopping the nuclear program and makes clear that it will be able to deal with the escalation that will follow such a strike.” SOURCE:

The long and the short of it is — Israel — AND– the US are screwed!

This, dear reader, is what you get when the free world is led by a lamentably naive golden-throated narcissistic Marxist who never misses a chance to demonstrate his unaffected simplicity and lack of guile and worldly experience when it comes to world politics and global leadership.

Allow me to spell it out plainly:  Unless Israel takes the reins in its teeth and launches an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran WILL build a nuclear bomb — and all the world will be held hostage to their fanatical Islamic despotism.

If Israel will not, or cannot, mount a successful attack, and Iran acquires the bomb, the fault will lie squarely at the feet of President Obama — and nowhere else.

President Obama is perhaps the least prepared and least qualified person to ever hold the office of President of the United States — and it shows.  Oh, HOW it shows.

By his refusal of global leadership the world is in chaos. Heck, the US is in near chaos.  And it is not going to get better until the US and the world get the kind of leadership necessary to screw the lid down on trouble making rogue nations like Iran and North Korea and read the riot act to aggressive nations seeking hegemony in their regions of the globe. That is not going to happen as long as Obama occupies the Oval Office.

Can anyone define Obama’s foreign policy?  Is there one?  His diplomatic stumbles around the globe give the impression any foreign policy of his administration is made up on the fly with very little real thought.

Today, we stand on the cusp of nuclear war. Think that is too strong?  Want to take the chance that North Korea has not managed to develop a small nuclear warhead they can mount on the tip of their long range missile?  Want to take that chance?  Because that is exactly what Obama is doing.  And it is YOUR life at risk, and the lives of your loved ones.

We KNOW the DPRK has nuclear weapons. We KNOW Iran is rapidly approaching the final development of a nuclear bomb.  We KNOW that Iran and North Korea are working in tandem and have been for years.  Are you willing to take the chance that IF North Korea has a nuclear warhead for a missile they won’t provide one to Iran?   Iran’s  problem with developing a nuclear missile to strike Israel would be solved overnight.

The Obama administration exudes weakness and draws enemies attracted by that weakness like flies to a dung heap.

Just in the past few days we have had one terrorist attack on a major US city and a would-be attack on a major transportation rail line between Canada and the US was foiled by Canadian authorities with the assistance of US authorities.

Just as sharks can smell blood in the water for miles and miles, America’s enemies can detect the “odor” of weakness half a globe away.  Now, as we have seen,  they can and will act on that perceived weakness on our own soil, either by terrorist attacks or by lobbing a nuclear missile across the Pacific Ocean to take out Honolulu, Los Angles, Seattle, Portland, or Anchorage, Alaska.

On top of all his other mistakes, Obama has committed the US military to Africa.  No pun intended, but Africa is a black hole just like those in space.  It will suck anything and everything that gets near it into its darknessand leach it dry.

There is a reason the European colonial powers gave up and left Africa a long time ago. Their colonies were slowly bankrupting them!  There is no wining in Africa because there is nothing there TO win. Only Africa can save Africa.  And they are not ready to join the modern world this century.  Maybe in  another hundred years, or so.

So, it provides no comfort knowing that Iran is closing on its desire to have its very own nuclear bomb, which it intends to drop on Israel and the United States at the earliest opportunity.

It should come as no surprise when the Obama administration rolls out their plans for “containment of a nuclear Iran.”  Many have felt for some time that was Obama’s ultimate goal all the while.

Understand: The Arab nations are scared witless of the Persian nation. If Iran is allowed to possess a nuclear bomb, expect all the Arab nations in the region to go nuclear almost overnight — in self defense.  They won’t waste time with developing their own nuclear programs, they will simply purchase nuclear bombs and missiles and be done with it.

Now — allow me to ask you — how much safer will YOU feel if and when the entire Middle East is armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs and missiles?

This is what we get with the Three Stooges of American foreign policy, Obama, Hagel, and Kerry in charge. Neville Chamberlain would, indeed, be, oh, so proud!

© J. D. Longstreet


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The EPA Snake Pit


By Alan CarubaOmega

Under President Obama, two women have been the director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Carol Browner, who served in the Clinton administration and was one of the “czars” Obama appointed; her acolyte Lisa Jackson, and up for the post is Gina McCarthy. Browner and Jackson went out of their way to conceal their internal communications from Congress and McCarthy lied to the committee considering her nomination.

How bad is the EPA? The Society of Environmental Journalists, on the occasion of the April 11 hearing on McCarthy’s nomination, released a statement that said, “The Obama administration has been anything but transparent in its dealings with reporters seeking information, interviews and clarification on a host of environmental, health and public lands issues.” The SEJ accused the EPA of being “one of the most closed, opaque agencies to the press.”


Apparently, the primary consideration for the job of EPA Director is an intense desire to destroy the use of hydrocarbons, oil, coal and natural gas, for transportation and all other forms of energy on which our economy depends. Obama, when campaigning in 2008, made it clear he wanted end the use of coal to generate electricity. At the time, fifty percent of all electricity was produced by coal and now that figure is in decline as coal-fired plants are being forced to close thanks to EPA regulations.


If Ms. McCarthy has her way, the cost of driving cars and trucks will go up in the name of protecting the health of Americans. As Paul Driessen, a senior policy advisor for the Committee For a Constructive Tomorrow, recently noted, “Since 1970, America’s cars have eliminated 99% of pollutants that once came out of tailpipes.” Joel Schwartz, co-author of “Air Quality in America”, points out, “Today’s cars are essentially zero-emission vehicles, compared to 1970 models.” The EPA’s latest attack on drivers is the implementation of “Tier 3 rules” intended to reduce sulfur levels to achieve zero air quality or health benefits.


Suffice to say that the air and water in America is clean, very clean. Whatever health hazards existed in the 1970s no longer exist. Like all bureaucracies, the EPA now exists to expand its budget and its control over our lives. The Heritage Foundation has calculated that Obama’s EPA’s twenty “major” regulations—those that cost $100 million or more annually—could cost the U.S. more than $36 billion per year. Obama’s EPA has generated 1,920 new regulations.


Don’t think of the EPA as a government agency. It is a weapon of economic destruction.


This has not gone unnoticed. A recent Wall Street Journal opinion by John Barrasso, a Republican Senator from Wyoming, noted that “During President Obama’s first term, EPA policies discouraged energy exploration, buried job creators under red tape, and deliberately hid information from the public.”


“Many EPA regulations,” said Sen. Barrasso, “chased microscopic benefits at maximum cost,” noting for example that “The EPA has proposed dropping the acceptable amount of ozone in the air from the 75 parts per billion allowed today to 60 or 70 parts per billion. The agency concedes that the rule would have a minimal effect on American’s health, but says it would cost as much as $90 billion a year. A study by the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation estimated it would eliminate up to 7.3 million jobs in a wide variety of industries, including refining.”


The other sector in the EPA’s bull’s eye is agriculture. Not content with laying siege to auto manufacturers, oil refineries, coal-fired plants, and all other energy users that might generate carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases, Barrasso noted that the EPA “has gathered personal information about tens of thousands of livestock farmers and the locations of their operations” which it then shared with environmental groups.


Writing in The Daily Caller, Henry Miller, a physician and molecular biologist and currently the Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, characterized the EPA as “a miasma populated by the most radical, disaffected and anti-industry discards from other agencies,” adding that there was “entrenched institutional paranoia and an oppositional world view.” 


“Unscientific policies and regulatory grandiosity and excess,” wrote Dr. Miller, “are not EPA’s only failings; neglecting to weigh costs and benefits is shockingly common, noting that “The EPA’s repeated failures should not come as a surprise because the agency has long been a haven for scientifically insupportable policies perpetrated by anti-technology ideologues.”


Marlo Lewis, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, writing in Forbes magazine, pointed out Gina McCarthy, the nominee to direct the EPA, “has a history of misleading Congress and the public about her agency’s greenhouse gas regulations. “At a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in October 2011, McCarthy denied motor vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards are “related to” fuel economy standards. In doing so,” said Lewis, “she denied plain facts she must know to be true. She did so under oath.”


“The EPA has no statutory authority to regulate fuel economy. More importantly, the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act prohibits states from adopting laws or regulations ‘related to’ fuel economy.”


The point of this exercise is demonstrate that the EPA is the very definition of a “rogue agency” for which neither laws, nor science, are of any consequence as it pursues policies that do incalculable harm at a time when the nation is deep in debt and in need of economic growth, not regulatory strangulation.


© Alan Caruba, 2013 





Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites. His blog recently passed more than 2 million page views. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place to go! You can find Alan Caruba on both Facebook and Twitter as well.


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Spineless Americans Accept Airline Delays

By Alan Caruba

alancarubaheadshot1Why is it that everything that has Obama’s fingerprints on it has an expensive and idiotic component to it? The latest are the airline delays, but spineless Americans simply wait around as delayed flights steal their time and productivity, and harm the economy.

Sequestration was Obama’s idea, a device to force a bi-partisan congressional committee to accept budget cuts based on the Simpson-Bowes Commission’s recommendations. The committee failed thanks to the political gridlock in Washington. We are afflicted by 100 Senators and 435 Representatives who are incapable of applying common sense and fiscal solutions to an economy whose problems can too often be traced back to existing government programs.


The problem is too much spending. The problem is too much waste. The problem is the mismanagement of government agencies. The problem is huge entitlement programs in need of reform. The problem is an entrenched bureaucracy. The problem is a failure of oversight by Congress.

The sequestration cuts mean that the Federal Aviation Administration’s 47,000 employees now face a day of furlough per two-week period, meaning that on average there are 10% fewer workers on any given day. There are 14,750 air traffic controllers, including trainees. Do Americans really want to travel under such conditions? No, but there has been no vocal outrage, no demands to restore the FAA budget to avoid needless delays? And no demand for stronger congressional oversight of how it spends its public funding.

Starting Monday flights were delayed an average of up to two hours or more across the nation, the first weekday in which airlines labored under the air controller cuts. The New York Times reported that “airline executives were furious over how the aviation agency was seeking to impose the maximum possible pain for passengers to make a political point. The airlines had hoped that Congress would intervene and restore some of the financing, but so far lawmakers had not acted to help the FAA”

The delays are political. Sequestration is political. The failure of the President and Congress is political.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) said last week that the FAA “has made zero effort” to avoid the furloughs. “The FAA’s decision is a dangerous political stunt that could jeopardize the safety and security of air travelers.”

In March The Wall Street Journal reported that “The sequestration requires the FAA to cut $637 million or 5% of the $12.5 billion of its annual budget that is not exempt. Because the cuts have to be made by the end of the fiscal year on September 30, instead of over the whole year, they are closer to 10%.”


The delays suffered by the traveling public are the most obvious problem, but it is much larger. A study released by the Aerospace Industries Association and Econsult Corporation estimates that FAA budget cuts could cost up to 132,000 aviation jobs, sap $80 billion a year annually by 2035 from the nation’s gross domestic product, cause an annual decrease of 37 to 73 million enplanements, and strip almost two billion pounds of freight capacity out of an air cargo system that is already bulking at the seams.

The study forecast losses in output to the U.S. economy to reach $9.2 to $18.4 billion, with $2.7 to $5.4 billion lost in wages and salaries.

A former Secretary of Transportation and Congressman, Norman Mineta, said “The FAA is a critical safety organization that regulates our national air transportation system. Putting it at risk is folly beyond comparison.”

While the President flies around the nation on Air Force One, attending events resulting from the Boston bombings, the West, Texas explosion, going to fundraising events (next one on Thursday), and on vacations, he has taken scant notice of the impact of sequestration on air travel and has had little, if anything, to say about it.

He will, however, as we close in on the 2014 midterm elections, blame everything on the Republicans because that’s what he’s good at, blaming others.

© Alan Caruba, 2013


Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites. His blog recently passed more than 2 million page views. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place to go! You can find Alan Caruba on both Facebook and Twitter as well.


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Troublesome Terrorist Tribulations
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Within moments of the Boston Marathon bombing both my wife and myself were expressing our belief that the bombers would turn out to be Muslims.  Indeed, as it turns out, they were, in fact, Muslims.

No great surprise at all. I suspect folks all across America made the same leap we did in connecting the bombers with the Islamic faith.

Sad… truly sad.

What is it with the Islamic people?

I mean, they go to war with each other…  people of their own faith.  They murder and maim their brothers in the faith… over the faith.  Well, over the way they choose to observe the faith, anyway.

And they HATE us.  It is an unadulterated — pure as the driven snow — hate refined by the blue purple flame of rage. 

They assure us Islam is the religion of “peace.”  Right.  Sure it is.  Uh-Huh.

The Muslim community is growing by leaps and bounds in America funded largely by the Middle Eastern oil producing Islamic countries who claim to be our friends.  Their aim is to make America an Islamic country, also.  If, and when, that occurs — freedom of religion in America will be GONE! 

The freedom of religion clause within the First Amendment to our Constitution may yet turn out to be the downfall of America.

Look, Islam n America spells BIG TROUBLE for America.  If you don’t believe me just take a look at the chaos in Europe which has been nearly overrun by Muslims.

Frankly, I’d like to see another amendment to the constitution amending the First Amendment, which would outlaw the practice of the Islamic faith in America. 

Sounds ridiculous, right?  Give it a few years and you’ll be wondering why we didn’t put a stop to this cancer on our society while we still could.  Outlawing the practice of Islam within America won’t sound so ridiculous then.  But by then, we will, unfortunately, see that we missed a chance to stop a bloodbath in the making.  For, eventually, that is where we, as a nation, are headed… unless we find the backbone to forbid the practice of Islam in America.

The fear of Islam already permeates our news media.  Did you happen to notice how reluctant the media was to use the word “Muslim” when referring to the Boston bombers?  That’s FEAR, dear reader!  And it will only get worse.

I understand how far out this must seem to many of my readers, but believe me,  America’s problems with the Islamic faith are only just beginning. 

Sharia Law is coming. In the years ahead you are going to come to know more about Sharia Law than you do of US law and the law of your state!

Here’s a brief definition of Sharia Law:  “Sharia law is strict Islamic law. It is designed to guide devout Muslims in their personal and professional dealings, and has been used by the Taliban and others to justify limits on women’s rights and harsh punishments, including amputation and stoning.”  SOURCE: 

Consider this:  “… the archbishop of Canterbury generated an uproar more than two years ago by suggesting that British law make room for Sharia. British newspapers reported later that year that “the government has quietly sanctioned the powers for Sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.”  SOURCE: 

OK.  So that is in the United Kingdom.  How does it impact America?


The American Episcopal church is a part of the Anglican Communion — of which — the Bishop of Canterbury is the head.  NOW — do you see the connection?

NPR reports that US courts ALREADY recognize Sharia Law at times  SOURCE:

As Al Jolson so famously said:  “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

Why am I so worried about the steady influx of Muslims into the US?  Well, allow me to explain it this way:  When Americans began to dribble into that part of Northern Mexico, which would later become a large part of the Southwestern US, one could only own land there if one converted to the Roman Catholic faith.  Many “would-be landowners” did just that.  They became Catholic and bought the land and married brides of Mexican descent.  Just look at the state of Texas today! It is no longer a part of Mexico, and it sure as heck is not a Catholic state!  If you don’t believe it… ask the Baptists!

Look.  We have Europe as a model from which to observe and learn..  The European countries did not take action early on when the Muslims began to pour into their countries. Now it may be too late.

Looking at Europe today, and the way the Islamic community has turned on the people of other faiths, in the various European countries, I’ll bet many of them wish they had taken measures to outlaw Islam there.  They didn’t… and they are about to lose their countries.  Look at France. She is at the mercy of Islamic gangs.  (Did you ever see a Christian gang???)

The ultimate goal of Islam is to establish a one-world government ruled by Islamic law, or Sharia Law. It is called a Caliphate.  America is the biggest obstacle to the recognition of that goal.

In an article entitled:  “Obama’s green light to Muslim terrorists” Larry Klayman says:  “Neville Chamberlain of pre-World War II days would have been proud of Obama and his pro-Muslim minions in the administration. Their actions and non-actions have furthered a march to terror by Muslims similar to what Chamberlain “accomplished” with the Nazis in the years leading up to that great war. Thanks to our “Muslim President,” Muslim terrorism in this country is again on the rise, and it threatens the very survival of our nation.”  SOURCE:

Indications are that Mr. Klayman is correct.  America is in for a troublesome future filled with terrorist tribulations while our limp-wristed government continues (as Winston Churchill once said) “to feed the alligator in hope that it will eat us last!”

© J. D. Longstreet


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Boston Marathon Massacre Crisis OpportunityOmega
By Douglas V. Gibbs
People exist.  They go about their business, and they worry about their own lives. As Ted Nugent said, in a comparison of people with deer, “All they care about is, What am I going to eat next? Who am I going to screw next? and, Can I run fast enough to get away?”[1]
Okay, fine, in that quote Mr. Nugent was dissing the French, but in reality, we are all like the deer to a point.  The deer-like “all we care about” kind of thinking can be beneficial, and it can be destructive.  We are individuals, but we have a responsibility to our society to participate in it, and ensure that our system remains moral, just, and in the case of the Constitutional Republic in the United States, a system that remains under the rule of law as provided by the United States Constitution.  Unfortunately, most people, it seems anymore, aren’t very informed, and could care less about anything outside their little bubble of existence.  The 47%, as Mitt Romney called them, and perhaps a much larger slice of our American civilization than that, could care less about whether or not society is functioning properly, just as long as they get what they think is coming to them.  As my son once said to me, “What do I care?  People will do what they do, and government will do what it does.  I have too many of my own things to worry about to care about society, the culture, or politics.”
Politicians know this of us.  They know that they can do pretty much anything they want as long as you don’t notice it affects you negatively in a big way.  If their actions don’t adversely affect our lives in an obvious manner, we won’t do a single thing to stop them.  This is why progressivism has been injected into the American culture through creeping incrementalism, and schemes of moderate social-engineering, over the last hundred-plus years.  The strategy has always been to promise peace, and a safety-net provided by the government, but never to make it appear that what they are doing is liberty-killing socialism.  They must never, according to their strategy, deliver so much socialism that the American people discovers the nature of their game, and removes them from office.[2]  The culture must be cultivated, and slowly taught that the socialist reforms pose no danger to anyone in particular.  Opportunities to inject larger doses of statism are rare, but the best time to inject statism in large quantities is during a time of crisis, for when the peace and safety of society is at risk, increased government intrusion will not only be welcomed, but will actually be applauded.
A segment of the American political system, for example, has always wanted to put into place stiffer gun control legislation, with the eventual goal of the full confiscation of firearms.  The powers supporting anti-gun legislation schemed to create a public demand for such legislation through the Fast and Furious gun-walking tactic where guns were secretly put into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels, and as expected innocent people were killed with those guns.[3]  The planners expected Americans to united in an uproar against American guns being so easy to buy, giving the schemers the opportunity to pursue their gun control goals.  The strategy failed, however, because word got out that it was a politically motivated tactic.  Besides, in the American Culture, gun ownership is a precious right that the citizens recognize as also being a God-given fundamental right.
The gun control bureaucrats merely had to wait.  Their opportunity to try again would happen, because the eventuality of a crisis was inevitable.
The Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Connecticut supplied the anti-gun lobby their crisis, and now the ruling elite’s pursuit of gun control legislation is in high gear.

Karl Marx was once quoted as saying, “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.”[4]

Naturally, the original goal was to simply convince the culture to accept socialism without governmental coercion.   Historic reality, thanks to the human tendency to seek one’s individual pursuits over the communal well being of the collective, forced that strategy to be short-lived, and the statists quickly realized that in order to put their plans of a society that is a homogeneous mass of like-minded sheep into action, they must abolish decentralization, remove representative institutions, and all voluntary associations must be subjected to government regulation and control in the name of “the good of the community,” or the “will of the people.”  The people must succumb to the concept that only the ruling elite can interpret what is best for society, and anyone that refuses to obey must be restrained by the body politic.[5]  It is for the best, the statists claim.  Only a wise ruling class that quells the “frightening path of psychotic individualism”[6] can protect what is in the public interest.
Enter, stage left, the Boston Marathon Massacre, where pressure cooker bombs were used to strike terror at the finish line of the annual foot race.[7]
Conspiracy theories swarmed the Internet immediately after the horrific terrorist attack in Boston, Massachusetts.  There were those that immediately called the bombing a “false flag operation.”[8]  The shadowy figures of government, the ones that have been working to move this nation away from the Constitution towards a system Karl Marx would be proud of, according to a number of prominent voices in media, were pulling the strings, orchestrating the terror, and were behind the massacre in Boston like they were behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001.  The evidence, these people claimed, was apparent, and this was just another stage of the Cloward/Piven strategy being used to force America into a totalitarian system never intended by the Founding Fathers.
The proponents of big government want nothing more than to achieve what conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones claim they are after.  I would not put it past the current administration to salivate over the possibility of creating a national emergency that would enable them to place the nation under martial law in the name of peace and safety.  The puppeteers, however, are no fools.  They know better than to show their hand.  Besides, as they learned from Fast and Furious, they don’t have to launch an operation designed to deceive the public so that they can reach their draconian aims.  All they had to do was wait, and the opportunity would come to them.
Islam considers the United States the “Great Satan,” regardless of who our political leaders are.  An attack by an organized Islamic group, or lone wolf terrorists who are willing participants in the perceived jihad against The West, was inevitable – and the planners in the shadows knew it.
No false flag was needed.  All the conspirators against the American System needed was to lie in wait until an event like the one in Boston came their way.  Then, the wheels of the machine bolted into action.  
It amazed me how easily the residents around Boston, during the manhunt for the Chechen brothers suspected to be the terrorists behind the Boston Marathon bombing, accepted lockdown and a house-to-house search.[9]  Martial law comes easy when a crisis is in gear.  In fact, the residents cheered when they saw law enforcement marching down the streets, in full armor, with weapons drawn after one of the suspects was captured.[10]  Fine, chalk it up to a job well done, but would the residents around Boston be cheering in the same way if the same armed force captured potential domestic terrorists, as defined by The State?  Would they be cheering when the same shock-troops were roaming the streets to bring enemies-of-the-state in?  Would they cheer if the suspected terrorists were military veterans, or TEA Party types, accused of daring to speak out against the government’s display of an ominous presence in our lives?
After all, the media, after the bombing of the Boston Marathon, were hoping and praying that the perpetrators were “right-wing extremists.”[11]  And even though the terrorists were not who the biased press assumed, the seeds were planted.  The uninformed public who think like deer, heard that those conservative-types could have done this.  The federal government doesn’t need a false flag.  All they need is for just one person calling himself “anti-government,” or anything other than a supporter of Barack Obama, to act in a manner that could be considered terrorist-like, and the opportunity will be sprung.
The goal of big government is to eliminate all opposition.  Once those that cry out for limitations of government are made out to be dangerous to the collective, the deer will cheer the capture of those “anti-government radicals,” and think they are doing so in the interest of the common good.
They may even chant “USA, USA” as the troopers haul the “activist” into custody.
The statists don’t need a false flag, or a conspiracy.  All they need is a crisis.

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s Chief of Staff, November, 2008[12]

— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
[2] Epperson, A. Ralph, The Unseen Hand, Tuscon: Publius Press, 1985; page 47

[5] Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Hamilton’s Curse, New York: Three Rivers Press, 2008, page 22
[12] In Crisis, Opportunity for Barack Obama – Wall Street Journal