Archive for January, 2014

Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory … Again?
So Near And Yet So Far
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The Republican Party is set to reap a virtual bumper crop of votes from the “Obamasick” electorate in November increasing their numbers in the US House of Representatives and securing control of the US Senate … unlessthey push through an Amnesty for Illegal Aliens bill known as Comprehensive Immigration Reform. 

Look.  You can slice it and dice it, twist it and turn it, and it STILL means amnesty.

I have no degree from the ivy covered ivory towers of academia, but I have enough smarts to know that for the GOP to go after the Hispanic vote is a lost cause.  It is wasted time, effort and money … and conservative voters who will stay home again in November IF the GOP insists on passing an Amnesty for Illegal Aliens bill.

If the GOP passes the immigration bill, it will be the end of the GOPperiod.  All those undocumented aliens are, in fact, undocumented democrats. 

Look.  The democrats are not concerned for those poor immigrants.  No.  They’re looking at 12 million-plus democrat voters!  They are looking at enlarging their party and locking up control of the US government as far into the future as the eye can see. 

The democrats have sent armies of “helpers” into the field to register “new” voters from among those whose livelihood depends on the government check they receive the first of each month. And it worked! Now, add to those legions the millions of illegal aliens who will be voting for the democrat/socialists as soon as the Comprehensive Immigration Bill becomes effective  and you and I will be overruled at the ballot box in perpetuity.

Back in 2013 I wrote: We have said all along the problem with illegal immigration across our southern border could be fixed, almost immediately, if the government wanted it fixed.  Now we know for certain that they do not want the southern border sealed.  See, those are democratic voters coming across that invisible line headed north into the land of milk and honey and along side them on their northward trek is cheap labor!

Basically, Americans STILL want the border closed and sealed FIRST!  It is common sense to stop the leak before bailing.  Once the border is closed and sealed then taking care of those aliens here illegally can begin and mass deportations can begin.

Like you, I have heard all the arguments from the government that they cannot find all those 12 million, or so, illegal aliens who have integrated into our society in order to deport them.  I don’t buy it, not for one second.  If the government was serious about finding them all they’d have to do is enlist the help of American citizens and you would have convoys of school buses, filled to capacity with illegal aliens, headed south to the border to be deported.  Maybe the government doesn’t know where they are, but you can bet your bottom dollar American citizens know where they are – or can find them – post haste.

Yes, Americans ARE angry with the illegal alien mess and the numerous attempts by our government to offer them amnesty, which would, in time, offer them citizenship. But, as Rasmussen learned when doing their survey, Americans are not mad at the illegal aliens.  No!  They/we are mad at our government for allowing this to happen in the first place!

Those of you who support open borders do not, I repeat, do not try to beat us about the head and shoulders with the old saw that says America is a nation of immigrants.  See, we already know that because our ancestors were immigrants, too.  Mine came into the country, legally, in 1789 through what was then Charleston Harbor and were assigned a place in the 96th precinct of the state of South Carolina.  Notice – they came into this country LEGALLY!  That is all we expect of any who wants to immigrate to America.  Do it legally and we will welcome you with open arms. Do it illegally and we want you caught and deported forthwith!

It is becoming ever more clear, everyday, that America’s biggest problem with illegal immigration is not with those who illegally break into our country and help to bleed it dry, but with our government which refuses to uphold the laws already on the books.  Had those laws been enforced we would not be in the situation we find ourselves today.  Plus, the problem of what to do with these 12-plus million illegal aliens would not be a problem, at all, IF the government would simply follow the laws on the books today.

Those illegal aliens are natural democrats
. Even Ann Coulter said recently:  “It’s not their position on amnesty that immigrants don’t like; it’s Republicans’ support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.

Reading these statistics, does anyone wonder why Democrats think vastly increasing immigration should be the nation’s No. 1 priority?

It would be one thing if the people with these views already lived here. Republicans would have no right to say, “You can’t vote.

But why on Earth are they bringing in people sworn to their political destruction?”  — SOURCE:  

So, if the democrats are for amnesty, and the republicans are for amnesty — whose against it?  The people of the country are against it, that’s who! 

How is it that Washington cannot feel the anger of the average US citizen toward any relaxing of the immigration laws, especially toward the Hispanics who are flooding our country and bringing our health services, and educational services, and welfare services, to the breaking point? 

Or — do they just not care?

Sadly, I believe it to be the latter.  They just don’t care. The dems are on a power trip and the repubs are running scared, in a panic, that Mainstream Media might say something unflattering about them!  

Do you know the largest political party in America today?  It’s Independents.  Well, they’re not a party, that’s true,  but there ARE more registered Independents in America than there either Democrats or Republicans.  And now you know why.

The GOP is headed for the fringes of American politics.  It’s as though they have a self-destruct switch stuck in the “on” position.

Conservatives are near to washing their hands of the GOP.  If that happens, it, too, will spell the doom of the Republican Party. So near and yet so far. For conservative republicans these days, it sort of like being Tántalos.   If you remember your Greek mythology,  Tántalos was a Greek mythological figure, most famous for his eternal punishment in Tartarus. He was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink.  Sound Familiar?

The GOP needs to wake up and get a grip on reality.  And they need to do it quickly.

J. D. Longstreet


VISIT J. D. Longstreet’s “INSIGHT on Freedom” Face Book Page!!:   (Just click on the link for more conservative commentary by J. D. Longstreet and other popular conservative writers!)

Swine Termination
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The recent near arctic weather we have been experiencing brought back some fond and not so fond memories of my Carolina country boy heritage.

(Before I delve into this missive, allow me to set the record straight — in the spirit of full disclosure, don’t you know.

The original title of this piece was:  “Hog Killing Time.”  But, since I am a thoroughly modern ole codger, I am aware of the, shall we say, sensitivities of the younger set.  Therefore the change in  the title to a kinder, more gentle, description of the “Slaughter of the Swine.”  Just thought you ought to know.)
As I walked down my concrete driveway to retrieve my morning  newspaper from it’s delivery box, in a nine degree temperature, memories came flooding back of cold January mornings like those when I was a lad. It was hog killing weather!

Now, we had a small country place about thirteen miles south of the North Carolina border in South Carolina. We were eight to ten miles out “in the country.”  I don’t mean suburbs — no.  I mean in the country.

From the time I was old enough, and strong enough, to heft a 5 gallon paint bucket filled with edible garbage,  referred to as “slop,” it was one of my chores to “slop” the hogs and water them before I went to school each morning.  That was my job — summer, or winter, rain or fair, the animals always came first.

I kept a stick cut from a nearby tree, from which I had stripped the bark  and this I used  to break the ice in the watering trough for the hogs on those frigid winter mornings.

Rarely did we have any breed of hogs other than Hampshires.  The Hampshire hog is a domestic swine breed characterized by erect ears and a black body with a whitish band around the middle, covering the front legs — and a quite unpleasant disposition.  They could, with the slightest provocation, or none, become violent — with no notice — and attempt to take a massive bite from the human limb nearest and most exposed to them.  Having virtually no neck, the irritated swine would, turn his head as much as he could and upon grabbing said limb in his mouth, in one smooth action, snap his head back to the normal position, thereby breaking said limb of the unfortunate human who had been so careless as to get too near and drop his guard for an instant.  It was a constant danger when dealing with those Hampshires.

The could also climb — (Hogs usually prefer to go under a fence rather than over it.  They are, after all “rooting” animals.)  and DID more often than I care to remember, leading me on a several day’s long chase tracking them through the woods and muddy bogs and the many hardwood thickets on our little country place.

Dad’s hog pens always seemed to have the tallest sides.  Once he was asked if he was penning up a hog — or a gorilla.  I am happy to report that we tracked each one of the swine escapees down and returned them to their place of confinement.

As killing time approached we’d build a wooden floor in a section of the pen.  The hogs to be butchered were moved to the floored area and from then until their demise they were fed the choicest food, such as corn, and store bought hog feed that contained some of the sweetest smelling molasses I have ever, to this day, smelled.

The near-by neighbors and relatives would begin gathering at our house before dawn.  (They would receive generous and  choice portions of fresh pork at the close of the day’s proceedings.) Fires were built around huge black cast iron wash pots.  A frame for suspending the carcass was erected — usually in the form of a tripod.

I won’t walk you through the entire process, but allow me to say that we ate very well.  Nothing went to waist that could be eaten, in some form, from that animal.

It was a daylong process and by nightfall everyone was exhausted and nearly frozen from the near frigid temperatures.  And it was messy … very messy.  Slaughtering always is. But as is the case with making omelets, well, you know the expression.  But all that hard work was rewarded with some of the finest, tastiest, dinner table fare to ever grace the palate of man.

So why am I writing a piece about something that is totally off the “narrative” of the conservative commentariat today?  Simply because it IS off the narrative.

Then there is, I suppose, a bit of me that hopes you begin to see that when I speak of self sufficiency, of responsibility for one’s self, of dependance on no one but yourself, I really do know what I’m talking about — first hand.

I proudly hail from a background of red necks and blue collars, of moonshiners and smugglers, of rakes, rogues, rebels, rascals, and reverends.  We even have a long, and colorful,  history in local law enforcement. In other words, the salt of the earth — all off-spring of the family that sailed into the Charleston Harbor in 1789 (just five years after the British and Tories were kicked out and the name changed from Charles Town to Charleston) and settled in the ninety-sixth precinct of South Carolina.

You will note that I said nothing above of the family being, at any time, involved with politics.  While my ancestors did not shy from, shall we say, shadowy activities, some less than circumspect, ahem, politics was considered just too, uh, distasteful.

They were proud, tough, independent, thoroughly southern and thoroughly American.

So why am I telling  you this?  Well, I suppose it’s a part of my bona fides.  When I write of individual freedom and liberty,  it’s because I grew up enjoying both. I know both the cost AND the value of each.  It is a part of who I am.  And I am not alone. 

See, when my generation observes the current crop of citizens who seem to be oblivious as they micturate away their individual freedom,  we are frequently dumbfounded.  I must tell you I have been more dumbfounded in the past five years than ever before in my life!

So.  I have come full circle, back to the conservative narrative. 

So many of my generation, are approaching, or have past, that point in our lives when we had hoped to hand off the mantle of  “apologist” for our representative republic to a younger, more zestful, more zealous, more healthful generation … only to find so many have no clue what they have lost and are totally incapable of defending those freedoms that still remain but are tentative, at best. 

Do not mistake anger for bitterness.  I am not bitter.  I am angry.  The ravages of time and ill health have made it so that I can do little more, these days, than climb aboard my cyber soapbox and shake my verbal fist in the face of the spineless leaders in Washington who have taken advantage of a dumbed-down electorate to trash our constitution and steal our liberty.  I find very little in the way of redemption for any from either side of the aisle.

They remind me often of the hogs I described above, except — they are slurping from the public trough.  At least the Hampshires wound up on our dinner table where THEY actually did some good.

J. D. Longstreet


VISIT J. D. Longstreet’s “INSIGHT on Freedom” Face Book Page!!:   (Just click on the link for more conservative commentary by J. D. Longstreet and other popular conservative writers!)

I Am Afraid of My Government

I Am Afraid of My Government

By Alan Caruba

498ff-alancaruba234I came into this world when Franklin D. Roosevelt was President and I have never been afraid of my government until now.

I am not alone. A consistent and growing theme of commentaries on the conservative news sites and blogs that I read every day is the fear of the Obama administration that has been cracking down on those who criticize it. They get audited by the IRS. They are refused the same status as non-profit entitles engaging in public education as Left-leaning organizations. They are accused of being racists, homophobes, anti-immigration, and anti-women.

This goes beyond the ordinary disagreements between individuals and groups that express opposition to the Obama administration. It has the look of a deliberate campaign and we have three more years of Obama as President in which to endure it.

In a speech to the leftist nonprofit Center for American Progress, Sen. Chuck Schumer, (D-BY) recently urged the IRS to “redouble” its intimidation tactics against the Tea Party. He represents a State whose governor recently said that conservatives were not welcome to live and do business. Its largest city, New York, just elected a Marxist as its mayor.

Jim Lakely, the director of communications of The Heartland Institute, a free market think tank that has led the effort to debunk the global warming hoax, recently posted a commentary, “The Unceasing Political Thuggery of Obama’s Gangster Government.” He noted Michael Barone’s description of the Obama administration as a “gangster government.”

Lakely cited the growing list of actions taken against who have expressed criticism. It includes Dinesh D’Souza who produced a documentary about Obama’s life, “Obama’s America” and who arrested on felony charges for violating campaign finance law. “This is beyond absurd—especially in light of what the FBI and IRS have found not worthy of any investigation, let alone indictment” in the past. A Hollywood group of conservatives, the only one there, received an IRS demand for its complete donor list; this is a repeat of similar demands of Tea Party groups seeking non-profit status. James O’Keefe whose Project Veritas exposed the nonprofit status of the leftist ACORN is being audited as was Frank VanderSloot, a big Republican donor as was conservative journalist Wayne Allen Root—twice. The list keeps growing.

The Heartland Institute was subjected to the stealing of its confidential budget and planning documents by global warming activist Peter Gleick “for the purpose of harassing” its donors, but no action has been taken against him by law enforcement authorities.

“Never in the history of this country have we seen such a broad and coordinated abuse of the government’s power to threaten criminal prosecution and ruin the lives and livelihoods of people the President and his party see as political ‘enemies’”, says Lakely.

 Obama Scandals“This should be the political scandal of the century—if only we had an honorable and competent MSM (mainstream media) press corps in this country.”

Ordinary Americans have cause to share my fear as they discover the wreckage that Obamacare is inflicting on our healthcare system, losing their insurance plans, and now we are hearing that the insurance industry may have to be bailed out as it is subjected to major losses. The government’s website is not only a disaster, but it subjects anyone using it to the threat of identity theft as experts testify it can be hacked with ease.

The economy of a nation with enormous energy reserves, enough to make us energy sufficient for decades, is being undermined by a deliberate campaign to shut down coal-fired plants and make the construction of new ones impossible. The Keystone XL pipeline from Canada has been delayed for five years despite the jobs it represents and access to oil at the same time the government has slowed the provision of leases to oil companies seeking to explore and extract our own reserves.

And millions of Americans are out of work or have ceased looking for work as the result of the worst economic “recovery” in the history of the nation. This is occurring at a time when the Obama administration has added $6 trillion to the nation’s debt, causing a leading credit agency to downgrade the nation’s credit rating for the first time in its history.

The scandals attributed to the Obama administration keep mounting from “Fast and Furious” that transmitted weapons to Mexican drug cartels, to the failure to provide security to our Libyan consulate despite many requests, leading to the Benghazi killing of a U.S. ambassador and three brave security personnel who went to his aid. The list keeps growing.

There is ample reason for Americans to fear their government these days and the mood of the nation is growing worse as they realize that they have a President who lies all the time and pursues “climate change” policies that have no basis in known science and a campaign of class war based on “income inequality” as the incomes of Middle Class Americans have suffered a decline. The solution to income inequality has always been an increase in the national economy.

The nation’s military is being undermined by budget cuts and policies that encourage open homosexual participation and the introduction of women into its combat forces. A growing list of generals and admirals have been forced to retire.

It has taken only five years to bring the nation to this point and none of the scandals has resulted in anyone in the Obama administration being held accountable.

They have good reason. When they can no longer depend on the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, and other elements of the government to act lawfully, this nation—a nation of laws—we are all in jeopardy.

For these and other reasons I and many Americans are growing fearful. We have good reason.

© Alan Caruba, 2014


Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites. His blog recently passed more than 3.2 millionpage views. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place to go! You can find Alan Caruba on both Facebook and Twitter as well.


VISIT J. D. Longstreet’s “INSIGHT on Freedom” Face Book Page!!:   (Just click on the link for more conservative commentary by J. D. Longstreet and other popular conservative writers!)

Is America Now A Fascist State?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


When the news broke that movie maker Dinesh D’Souza’s had been indicted by Obama’s so-called Justice Department, I had cold chills run up and down my spine.  I thought:  “Well, it has finally happened.  The US is now a fascist state.”     

How long are Americans going to allow their freedom and liberty to be crushed under the jackboots of the Obama Administration?  How long?  Huh?

So you think Fascist is too harsh a term, do you?  Well, let’s take a closer look.

OK — so what is a fascist?  According to The Urban Dictionary a fascist is “someone who believes in a totalitarian state rule by a supreme leader (dictator) who controls everything possible and treats people harshly — to gain the leader’s own success….” 

Sound familiar?  In a piece by John Griffing, published at American Thinker, Mr. Griffing says the following: “At its core, fascism is really just a system where government, through agreements with the private sector, controls virtually all property and income indirectly and Obama has embraced this template.” 

Mr. Griffing goes on to say: “Fascism is correctly associated with tyranny since nations that employ the tenets of fascism almost always transition from a republican or parliamentary form of government to some sort of personality cult usually centered on an economic “savior.”  Fascism requires extensive state control, and if this control is not centralized in a singular personality, the results will be muddied and plagued with excessive overlap.  All of Obama’s actions have highly fascist overtones.”  Read the entire article here:

It is gratifying, to say the least, to find someone who agrees with our viewpoint of Obama and his regime.  It is truly frightening to see America being fundamentally changed from a constitutional republic into a fascist dictatorship under Obama.  But, that is what we have in America today.

What?  You say it can’t happen in America?  Well, I hate to disagree with your assessment, but dear reader, it already has happened.  The task of freedom loving Americans now — IS TO CHANGE IT BACK!   That goal is becoming ever more difficult, with every passing day, as the line between the private sector and the public sector is being systematically and intentionally blurred by the Obama Regime. You may not wish to admit it, even to yourself, but, as Mr. Griffing says in his article at American Thinker,   “individual liberty can often be conditioned on complicity with state aims, as manifested in the private sector sphere.”  He is spot on!

Look, we Americans are being “conditioned” by the Obama Regime to jump through any hoop Obama should hold up in front of us.

Many weeks ago we warned of an avalanche of taxes on the horizon for America.  That avalanche is about to come rumbling down to crush the last remnant of resistance to the Obama fascist agenda.  There are twenty-plus NEW TAXES about to be levied on Americans — all associated, in some way, to Obamacare.  And it will get worse… count on it!

Obama and the democrats have bankrupted America. We are broke.  There is no more money available within the government budget to stave of the insolvency of America.

So what must happen?  Huge tax increases. As Charles Krauthammer has warned us: “There just isn’t enough to cut elsewhere to prevent national insolvency.  That will require massive tax increases, most likely a European-style value-added tax.”  Read the entire article here (SOURCE)

Americans who have already been mentally “conditioned” will simply lie down and allow the Obama taxes, such as a VAT tax, to wash over them.  Those of us who are not “conditioned” will fight it every step of the way. Even the Vat tax is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. It cannot cover the shortfall of funds America faces in the future.

Only a strong fascist leader could “condition” Americans to accept what is coming next — the looting of the individual American.  Obama is setting the stage with his campaign on income inequality. What he’s talking about, dear reader, is socialism, plain and simple.  

In an article at the American thinker written by Kyle Anne Shiver and entitled: “Barack Obama, the Quintessential liberal fascist” Shiver says:  “Neither did Barack Obama invent the political “ideology of change,” nor design its carefully crafted propaganda.  While media folks talked of the tingles up their legs and the brilliant rhetoric of Barack Obama, they were heralding the speaker only, not the creator of the movement and its slogans.  That would have been Saul Alinsky, the man who took fascism and cunningly made it appear to casual observers every bit as American as apple pie.

Barack Obama is merely the movement’s closer, the quintessential liberal fascist with a teleprompter.”  Read the entire article here:

As much as I dislike admitting it, we HAVE become conditioned  “not to see the forest for the trees.”  We inhabit Obama’s fascist America, yet we don’t seem able to see it for what it is.

Today we Americans seem to lack what the military refers to as “situational awareness.” Just as on the battlefield where lack of situational awareness can easily lead to the demise of the individual, it can also lead the people of a country into placidly standing by as their nation is hi-jacked and “fundamentally changed,” from a nation where the government serves the people — to a nation where the people serve the government. 

That has already happened. The question now is — can we change it back to its rightful condition.   We have a chance this coming November to say to the would-be Leftist dictators of the world, including those-who-would-be-king right here in AmericaNO!  We will now allow you to steal our liberty, our freedom, our COUNTRY from us.   We cannot allow the chance to save America pass us by.  It MAY be our last chance.

Are WE to be the generation that lost America?  Think about that.  We have just over ten months to save America.  The Right side of the political spectrum must come together as a unified force to defeat the denizens of the Left.  We must cleanse our garden of the evil Leviathan.

J. D. Longstreet


VISIT J. D. Longstreet’s “INSIGHT on Freedom” Face Book Page!!:   (Just click on the link for more conservative commentary by J. D. Longstreet and other popular conservative writers!)

Destroy the Family — Destroy the Country
By J. D. Longstreet

We have all heard it said that the basic building block of society is the family. It’s true, and has been true since the Garden of Eden. Until now, that is.

America’s hedonist lifestyle has prevailed and we have made a remarkable decision.  We have decided that our wishes and desires, our lusting after, and coveting after well, everything, is far more important than a family.  As a result the American family, except for rare instances, doesn’t exist anymore. Oh, we have groups of people we refer to as “family,” often times living beneath the same roof, but it’s not a family… not in the true sense of the word.

There has been a movement underway in America — since at least the early 1900’s — to tear this country down to its bare elements and rebuild it in the mold of a socialist/communist state.  To do that successfully, the American family must be destroyed.

The easiest way — and the bloodless way — to do that is to redefine what a family actually is.

And we have.

America has redefined Family until we have practically defined it out of existence.
I think that was intentional. Our socialist brothers and sisters, on the left, want to control this country and to do that they must destroy the basic building blocks of this republic and reassemble those blocks to suit themselves. As we noted above, the single most important building block of any nation is her families. If you destroy that, you can easily lay claim to a nation’s soul. And that is exactly what has happened.

It has been reported recently that families with unmarried parents now out number families with married parents in America. This, in itself, is more leftist propaganda.

Understand: The group of people with unmarried parents, at its head, is NOT a family… in the true sense of the word. So the entire report was based upon the flawed assumption that a family is a group of people with the authority figure either married or unmarried. That is not the classic family. That is a mob.

American society, today, is rotten at its core.  The core of any civilization is the family and when that core does not exist, or is mortally wounded, as ours in America is, then a country’s entire society is in peril. If there is any doubt that America’s society is in danger, pick up any newspaper, turn on any TV news channel, or just stand still for a moment and look around you.

Can there be any doubt that we have failed, as a people, to protect our families.

We have, through social programs, and such, made it much easier to dissolve the family and to create something acceptable to the progressive/socialists, working behind the scenes in America, in order to provide the necessities for that group, without them actually working for it, and no guidance is provided for the creation and sustainability of a nuclear family.  The issue (the children) of such a “mock-up” of a family have no way of knowing that their experience was/is anything less than normal and they create their own… and in so doing… perpetuate the rot at our core.

Here in America we have an entire underclass, and entire segment of American society, who are wards of the US government.

We have so many children, and grown young people, now, who were “raised by a village”, and not a family, that they lack those “familial ties” that anchor all humanity to the core of a family and that core is… love for one another. It isn’t there… and they are empty. Their souls are just barely attached to their bodies.

We look around us in awe, and wonder, when some child, or young adult, armed to the teeth, walks into a school and begins to pump round after round into innocent children. We gaze at the vivid stories on TV news of heinous murders committed by a young person who looks just like the boy, or girl, living down the street from us. And… we still don’t get it.

We gasp in horror when a young person ambushes another fellow human being completely unknown to him, and attempts to knock that person unconscious with a single blow … as a game! 

The truth is:  We have produced a generation, or two, of psychopaths.  Too harsh a term?  I think not.  The dictionary defines psychopath as:  “A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.”   — SOURCE:

It’s OUR fault. We destroyed the American family. Why? Because it was expedient. A tight nit family is nearly impossible to manipulate. But as with any organization, break it apart… and you can destroy it, piece by piece, and THAT is what we have done.

Our children are sent to nurseries, as sucklings, because the mother must report for work at the end of the allotted family leave period. The children don’t see their parents, save for short periods in the morning, as they are prepared for daycare, in the evenings as they are prepared for bed, and on the weekend when parents are worn out from their daily jobs and have no time to spend with them.

Then those same children are sent off, at the age of six, to the public school system run by a government intent on molding their minds in the way it would have them go… and they spend 12 years in that system. The tie with their parents remains about the same, but becomes even more tenuous as the years speed by. Then… there is college. And there the finished product is rolled out. The liberalities of the college instructors and professors further mold those young minds into automatons of the socialist agenda.

The process is now complete and the product is a near heartless, soulless, individual who believes his upbringing was NORMAL!!!

We have at least two generations of these automatons and psychopaths walking among us. They are now in positions of power in our government, in our universities, in our public schools, and in our churches… and America is the worse for it.  We live our lives in a constant state of danger … from our own offspring.

That shinning city on a hill has been corrupted and has become dull and its luster has faded. No longer does it stand as a shining beacon to the remainder of mankind as the promise of a nation, which seeks after God and liberty for its people.

Philosophers have for centuries told us that all great nations die at their own hands.  Consider the Greeks and the Romans, from which America drew so much in founding this republic. Those great civilizations have been tossed into the dustbin of history. Soon, it woild seem,  America will join them.

When we define our families, we define our nation. The American family has been ruled, for all intents and purposes, irrelevant. We no longer even understand what a family is.

We have forgotten the family is the bedrock upon which the pillars of this great society stand. That bedrock has crumbled and our society is showing the effects.

It is said that change is inevitable. That may be, but change can be guided and channeled in the direction a society wants to travel. In America’s case, we channeled change in the wrong direction. We replaced America’s reliance upon God with reliance upon the Federal Government. We replaced the Ten Commandments with a code of laws developed by man and loosely based on the Ten Commandments, but… we deny even that. We replaced God in our public schools with school counselors, and policemen, and metal detectors… and murder. Our religion has gone weak in the knees with many of America’s mainline churches, saying openly, that the scriptures, which have served us for well over 2000 years, are no longer relevant, that God doesn’t actually matter anymore.

The plain truth is, dear reader, we have condemned ourselves.

The question now is — can we turn it around?  That is difficult to answer. America is racing toward the apocalypse, the final hour when all will be irrelevant. Nothing will matter any longer. “The End” will have been writ large across the pages of history and America will be but a footnote.

America has grown fat and arrogant and, like the builders of the tower of Babel, we have taken it upon ourselves to “be like God”. And, frankly… we’re not big enough.

Man’s instructions were simply enough. A man and woman should cling to one another and be fruitful and multiply… and create families. Children were admonished to honor their fathers and mothers. The parents, likewise, were admonished to not provoke their children to anger. In other words… love one another. Love was the basic building block of the family and the family was the basic building block of man’s society.

Now, here in America, we have destroyed the family. Our foundation is gone, our anchor is gone, and we are adrift, soon to slip beneath the waves… as history sails on… without America.

© J. D. Longstreet


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Federal Agencies Target “Right” Groups Again

By JB Williams


From freedom to fascism well describes the events of the last five years under the most anti-American regime to ever hold political power in the United States. One need not look too far to find evidence that the land of the free and home of the brave is now nothing more than a proletarian dictatorship operating in a completely lawless environment.

Ironically, it is the “anti-imperialists” who now control the most “imperialist” administration in U.S. history. They are not bound by decency or honor, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or even the laws they create for the rest of us. They don’t love freedom or liberty … they love stolen wealth and seized power. They are lawless criminals…

Yet, they also control every federal agency, all of the federal assets, all of the high-tech high-powered weaponry, the mass media and every court. In short, they control us… How?

Your Silence is Your Consent

Therefore, the voice of opposition must be silenced. The political LEFT is highly organized and mobilized. They start derailing an election years in advance by cutting off financial and public support for the opposition, simply silencing the message.

Maker of famed anti-Obama documentary 2016, Dinesh D’Souza, has been indicted on alleged violations of federal campaign finance laws. What was his alleged criminal act? – According to the indictment, D’Souza donated $20,000 to congressional candidate Wendy Long’s campaign by aggregating the money from various people and falsely reporting the source of the funds. In other words, D’Souza stands accused of being a “campaign bundler” for a conservative candidate.

Now, take a moment to view the Obama “campaign bundlers” for 2012. According to the linked report which accumulates and reports I.R.S. campaign data, Obama had at least 428 “campaign bundlers” providing over $108,700,000 to the Obama re-election campaign. 42 Hollywood leftist bundlers raised over $12,100,000 for Barack Obama in 2012. Nobody knows where any of these funds originated as they all came in from a “bundler” with no list of individual donors.

In addition, reports were filed with the U.S. Secret Service evidencing massive overseas money laundering and credit card fraud in the Obama campaign. No investigation has been launched into any of the Obama violations of campaign finance laws, involving more than $200 million in campaign funding.

Yet, Obama’s federal agencies have indicted D’Souza for an alleged $20,000 in “bundled” funds for a congressional race?

During the same week, Obama’s I.R.S. is targeting Hollywood group the Friends of Abe in yet another two-year long battle to block 501 tax-deductible status for the group. How many left-wing 501 groups actively engage in political activities today, with tax-deductible and tax-exempt status?

Obama’s old campaign operation, Organizing for America was reconfigured as an “advocacy group” called Organizing for Action, securing 501 tax-exempt status almost instantly. For heaven’s sake, one of Obama’s bundlers has even been confirmed as an associate of Al Qaeda, and the FBI and DOJ is focused on D’Souza for a $20,000 donation to a congressional campaign?

Clinton 501 activities often engage in open electioneering for Bill’s wife Hillary, as she ramps up for her 2016 campaign. Yet, there is no investigation into Clinton 501 activities.

Hollywood bundlers for Hillary 2016 line up in 2013… But the I.R.S. and DOJ are not at all interested in investigating these groups, despite what Obama agency officials proclaim a “zero tolerance policy” to enforce campaign finance laws, at least against their political opposition.

Well-known international left-wing financier George Soros funds a laundry list of tax-deductible and tax-exempt left-wing groups for the sole purpose of controlling election results. But there is no investigation into these activities either.

This is exactly what lawlessness looks like in a proletarian dictatorship. The full weight and power of the federal government is systematically used to silence any and all voices of dissent, where in the end, the silence is immediately reported as the “consent” of the people who have been silenced.

Silencing Social Networking

News that the NSA is snooping on every American has already affected the use of social and electronic media as a means of organizing against the blatant march to Marxism in our federal government.

A recent news report states that Facebook could lose as much as 80% of its users by 2017. As one who watched people rush to Facebook as a means of organizing Tea Party groups and activities five years ago, only to find out they were being spied on by the Obama administration later, I can tell you that the level of organizing efforts on Facebook have already dropped significantly.

People are afraid to post on social networking sites, or email their friends, or talk on the phone or Skype about what is going on in our country, as the Obama administration has turned all of the federal intelligence community towards snooping on American Citizens instead of real enemies abroad.

The Gas

To end any real resistance to the federal assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, all Obama & Co. have to do is cut off the fuel supply to the resistance, the funding.

By denying tax-deductible and tax-exempt status to “right leaning” groups, they have greatly hampered the ability of the political right to raise the necessary funding for serious resistance operations. Meanwhile, they rubber stamp 501 status on every left-wing group that applies so that the flood gates for leftist funding from all over the globe are wide open.

The Consent of the Governed

In sum, the governed essentially “consent” to anything they won’t stand up and fight against.

Over 70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare, the federal debacle designed to fail with such magnitude as to force every American onto a single payer system. But what has that 70% done to stop it?

Over 90% of Americans now disapprove of congress, both parties. But what has that 90% done to remove every anti-American scumbag from congress in shackles?

Over 70% of “legal” Americans oppose any form of amnesty for illegal invaders who break more laws after breaking and entering into our country illegally. But what has that 70% done to stop Washington DC from ramming amnesty for illegal’s down our throats?

Those who don’t vote at all, consent to whatever follows, by their mere silence at election time.

Those who attempt to “vote their conscience” by casting a ballot for candidates barely in the race, have also consented to whatever happens next, as the worst evil takes the reigns following an ill-advised effort to block a “lesser evil.”

Those who don’t stand and fight against every intrusion into our private lives, against every subversion of our Constitution and every infringement to our Bill of Rights, have also consented to those intrusions, subversions and infringements, by their mere silence.

By the time the “opposition” figures out they are in a battle for the future of freedom and liberty, they will no longer have the freedom, liberty or resources to resist.

Our enemy never sleeps… They never waver in their goals… They never concede ground and they never willingly give back what they take, be it property or power.

The only rights we have as Americans are the rights we are willing to fight for and defend.

Come what may, it will come with the consent of the people…

All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing, and Americans have perfected the art of doing nothing in the face of evil. Passive silence equals active support in any dictatorship.

Fear once caused fury in the heart of every American Citizen, but today, it mostly causes paralysis…

That’s why the Obama and Clinton regime is all about instilling fear. I.R.S – NSA – CIA – FBI – ATF – DHS – DOJ – EPA – DOD… these were all once tools of national security. Today, they are tools of mass intimidation, not against our nation’s foreign enemies, but against the American people who would dare speak out in opposition.

Our silence is our consent… and that is why there must be silence!

The top priority mission of our federal agencies today is to silence the voice of dissent in America. Your silence is not only your consent … it is the source of your demise as well. Are you scared yet?



JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization preparing to take on American’s greatest legal battles. Williams receives mail at:


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Why Liberals Attack America

By Alan Caruba

498ff-alancaruba234Have you noticed how liberal intellectuals are drawn to various dictators? Largely unknown to most Americans is the history of many intellectuals who expressed their disdain for “the masses”, all those millions who work in manufacturing, have small businesses, and hold onto the American dream of success, having a home of their own, and other elements of a good life based on hard work.

Those ordinary Americans don’t worry about “income inequality” because there has always been income inequality and because America provides income mobility. You can earn more if you want to. You can change jobs. You can open a business. You can acquire wealth. There were 53,000 new millionaires in America last year. We have a President who criticized “millionaires and billionaires” throughout his first term.

In his book, “The Revolt Against the Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class” by Fred Seigel (Encounter Books), he provides a history of liberalism that dates back to the early years of the last century and the rise of communism; particularly in the Soviet Union that collapsed in 1991 from its implementation.

You may be surprised to learn that authors like H.G. Wells (1866-1946), the famed science fiction writer, were early advocates of socialism—communism-light. “Liberals thought themselves smarter than other people because they had seen through the supposed Victorian verities to a future not yet born,” says Seigel, noting that one of his books, “Anticipations”, was described by Wells “was designed to undermine and destroy…monogamy, faith in God, and respectability, all under the guise of a speculation about motor cars and electrical heating.”

The “success” of liberalism has given us a nation where a million unborn are killed every year, where marriage is subject to a 50% divorce rate, where same-sex marriage is now law in several states, the middle class is heavily taxed, and—not surprisingly—an increasing number of Americans regard Big Government as the biggest threat to their liberty and freedom.

It is also a nation that has twice elected a Marxist named Barack Hussein Obama who is now openly equating any criticism of his failed policies as a form of racism.

The early liberals “looked to a new elite, a separate caste with the wisdom to lead society to social salvation by breaking with the conventions of middle-class Victorian morality.” It was an early liberal, the literary critic Van Wyck Brooks, who coined the terms “highbrow” and “middlebrow” to demarcate the levels of taste in American life. America’s entry into World War I put the liberals into high gear as they regarded the war years as revealing “American society and democracy (as) agents of repression.”

Seigel writes of liberals that “They had no doubt that the American masses were culturally diseased people, playthings in the hands of America’s philistine plutocrats. For the critics of mass culture, World War I had discredited not the Kaiser and German militarism, but democracy.” Those attitudes from the 1920s persist today.

So now we have a President who daily reveals his contempt for the Constitution and wants to rule by executive order rather than work with the Congress. We have a President who disdains the U.S. military, has been engaged in a purge of many top generals and admirals, and whose view that America is not an exceptional nation, has triggered and supported a growing disrespect of America, contributing to its declining influence on global events and trends.

By the 1940s and 50s, liberals—often Soviet agents—had infiltrated the U.S. government to such an extent that many Americans became concerned, but Sen. Joseph McCarthy who tried to expose them was attacked by liberals who have turned “McCarthyism” into a term for anyone who seeks to expose them.

The intellectuals who led liberalism had a deep disdain for the masses and the egalitarianism of American democracy which they regarded as a degraded form of government that in one’s description discouraged “respect or esteem for superior individuals.” That, too, remains a major theme among the current generation of intellectuals. Obama’s administration is filled with people who never ran a business or worked in one. Government for them is the ultimate means to control Americans, not serve them.

Over the course of the 1960s, “national income had doubled. The poverty rate was cut in half as unemployment dropped to only 3.5 percent and inflation-adjusted personal income grew by nearly 40 percent. Home ownership reached record highs that have been difficult to surpass.” Yet it was the 1960s in which Lyndon Johnson launched his “War on Poverty” saying that the “days of the dole in this country are numbered.”

Under Obama, the most liberal President ever to hold the office, unemployment is estimated to be over 13 percent and millions are on some form of government dole. Liberals still do not make a connection between liberal policies and actual outcomes. Facts do not concern them.

The 1960s also marked the takeover the American system of education and what we are witnessing today has much to do with the indoctrination of socialist values in the generations that attended schools and universities since then.

The 1960s also saw the beginning of the environmental movement. Now don’t get me wrong. America needs clean air and clean water, but it does not need an out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency whose real agenda is to undermine the provision of energy and the entire economy. It is environmentalism that led the government to ban incandescent light bulbs, to mandate a reduction in the amount of water in your toilet seat, and generates countless other idiotic regulations whose real purpose is to control all aspects of your life.

In 1962, a baseless screed against the pesticides that protect human health and property against the onslaught of many pest insect species was published. It was Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring.” The establishment of Earth Day followed in 1970 and ever since liberals have corrupted science to claim that humans were destroying the Earth and to advance the greatest hoax of the modern era, global warming.

The liberal disdain for humanity—the masses—was reflected in Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb”, published in 1968, that claimed that “the battle to feed all of humanity is over.” Like environmentalism, it was a fear-mongering theme designed to influence public policies. Liberals not only disliked humanity, they disliked the industrial societies that gave them the opportunity to live better lives with innovative technologies.

As Seigel notes, “Before the 1960s, government regulation was aimed at specific industries. But with the creation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (1964) the Environmental Protection Agency (1970), the Consumer Products Safety Commission (1972)m and the vast expansion of the Federal Trade Commission, government asserted its influence over the entire economy.”

Now the nation is sharply divided between liberals and conservatives. The problems encountered in the decades since the 1960s have not had any impact on the views of liberals. As Seigel says, “Liberal interests never examined their assumptions, even when faced with social and political failure.”  They turned to the courts to achieve their goals and have been successful in transforming the nation through them.

The greatest transformation is the Affordable Care Act—Obamacare—that has seized one sixth of the nation’s economy while depriving millions of Americans of their personal health plans, forcing many to give up their personal physicians, and is negatively affecting the entire economy. The fact that it is such a disaster is the only good thing that can be said for it because it will likely force many who favor such liberal programs to rethink their views. It will likely have a major political backlash toward more conservative candidates.

The lesson is clear. It is liberals who have been working very hard to undermine the U.S. Constitution, our democracy, and our freedoms.

© Alan Caruba, 2014


Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites. His blog recently passed more than 3.2 millionpage views. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place to go! You can find Alan Caruba on both Facebook and Twitter as well.


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The Essence of Liberty
By Douglas V. Gibbs

The convergence of political philosophies in our modern world has blurred the lines between them.  Language has been altered to confuse the terms, and conceal the true nature of authoritarian concepts.  The unique inherent complexion of the different philosophies have been lost, and it is in studying, and understanding, these various political principles that the path to an informed opinion regarding the various political philosophies emerges.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the distinction between communism, and our free society, was clear.  The West enjoyed freedom, based on a representative system largely influenced by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.  The English-speaking world enjoyed prosperity, and the nations that were not under tyrannical rule found themselves emulating the American system of governance as best as they could.  However, within the Free World, there were not only many versions of free societies, but dangerous deviations within those systems that mirrored more the authoritarian governments of Europe at the time of the forging of America, than of the system of limiting principles articulated by the Founding Fathers of the United States.
A lack of understanding was the primary culprit.  Freedom is not just a coined term, or something that you achieve if you wish for it real hard.  With freedom comes responsibility, in both the creation of a system that protects it, and the maintenance of such a system once it comes into being.  Liberty requires diligent care applied by an informed populace.
Strong government has been the unfortunate norm in history.  Once government begins to grow, it expands continuously, only halting if forced to do so.  As a government increases in size, and expands its intrusion into the lives of the citizens, individual freedom decreases, and eventually liberty becomes nothing more than a distant desire that seems too far off in the distance to ever be reached.  Tyranny provides a stark reminder that in order for a society to be free, the government must be limited in its scope, and powers.
James Madison, often referred to as the Father of the United States Constitution, recognized the dangers of government.  A central government always eventually becomes a tyranny, but without government, there is no freedom, either.  In an anarchy, as the chaos reaches a crescendo, the people cry out for order, and a powerful few are always happy to grab the reins.  Those powerful few always end up ruling in a totalitarian manner, reminding us that no government provides no freedom, and is nothing more than a transition to tyranny.
Regarding the dangers, and the necessity, of having a government, James Madison wrote, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.”
The rule of law, as revealed with the writing of the Magna Carta over five hundred years before, works best when in a written form.  A contract was needed.  If the law is merely passed by word of mouth, it changes, and can be manipulated.  Unwritten law evolves, living and breathing with the whims of society, until the law itself becomes a motto point, and a tyranny takes control, and rules with their own version of the law.  Altering the law by those seeking tyrannical power is less likely if the law is in a written constitution.  This does not mean that tyranny will not try to change the rule of law into the rule of man, but the likelihood of success by these tyrants would remain small.  The law being in writing, however, is not enough.  To protect the system the people also need to be informed, and vigilant.
The essence of freedom is the reality of a limited government.  As long as the citizens understand this, the danger of an ever-expanding government can be kept in check.
When those seeking power are able to convince the people that the electorate can vote gifts to themselves from the treasury, and when the politicians offer gifts from the treasury to gain the vote of the people, the limitations on government are no longer an obstacle, and the constitutional vision of the founders is in jeopardy.
As freedom erodes, the community becomes more important than the individual.  The rulers proclaim that their executive actions are for the common good, to protect the community from the greed and excesses of selfish individuals, and it is their aim to make everything fair and equitable.  Individual rights lose ground to special interests, and civil society is weakened as all aspects of life become politicized.  Groups are identified, and dissenters are targeted.  Polarization is released to run amok, and government uses the crises to foment division, and to become more powerful.
James Madison recognized that government attracts those with a lust for power, and that the essence of government itself is power.  He said, “The essence of government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.”
After forming a weak government under the Articles of Confederation, the fledgling United States needed a powerful lion to protect, preserve, and promote the union of sovereign states.  The new federal government needed to be powerful when handling the external issues, while absent, or nothing more than a mediator, when it came to local issues.  The problem with lions, however, is that they have a tendency to want to eat you.  So how could the founders create a lion that could be unleashed against enemies of the union of states, yet restrained when it came to the internal issues of the new country?  To keep the lion restrained, it would need to be caged, or chained.  These limitations were the essence of the principles that went into the writing of the United States Constitution.  It was a way to reduce as much as possible the potential abuse of governmental power, while protecting individual rights to life, liberty, and property.
Thomas Jefferson, though not present at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, recognized the brilliance of the document. He first viewed it while in France, and sent back to the states his resounding approval. Later, he said of the limiting principles in the Constitution, “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
The goal of the Founding Fathers was to create a structure of government that would protect individuality, natural rights, and property, while also standing the test of time.  The demise of civilizations, historically, were the result of tyranny, so to protect the free society in the United States into the future, the government must be limited, and it must be maintained by an informed people.
“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” – Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution, however, was only one piece of the puzzle.  Without an informed people to defend it, the Constitution is nothing more than ink and paper.  James Madison wisely observed, “A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.”
Without being educated regarding American exceptionalism, and the principles of the Constitution, the American People would surely lead themselves, one day in the future, to bondage.  Without being informed, the people would not even be able to recognize tyranny.  They would mistake it for freedom, and believe the manipulated language presented to them.  We The People would surely, if not properly educated about the principles of limited government, fall for the idea that government can provide utopia. . . if only you are willing to give up your freedom.
George Washington recognized the necessity for the citizenry to be properly educated, and went even further by articulating that we must educate the younger generation regarding the principles of freedom, limited government, and our constitution.  He said, “A primary object. . . should be the education of our youth in the science of government.  In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important?  And what duty more pressing. . . than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?”
Thomas Jefferson believed that often the people would be led astray.  He believed it was possible that to alter or abolish a tyrannical system, we may need to fight a bloody revolution every twenty years!  Jefferson also recognized that in the end, with liberty implanted in them as an inheritance, even if led astray, the people would find their way.  He said, “The good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army.  They may be led astray, for a moment, but will soon correct themselves.”
Correcting ourselves is our God-given right.  As a friend once told me, “Nobody deserves tyranny.”
In the Declaration of Independence, in the second paragraph, our duty, and right, to take action in the face of tyranny, is clear.  The first paragraph sets up that right, rightfully stating that it sometimes becomes necessary to take action against a tyrannical government.  The Declaration reads, “. . . to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form.”
Government is necessary.  Madison regarded it as self-evident “that persons and property are the two great subjects on which Governments are to act; and that the rights of persons, and the rights of property, are the objects, for the protection of which Government was instituted.”
Divine Providence was the centerpiece of the view of the founders.  Through Divine Providence, the English Colonies defeated the most powerful military force in the world, and through Divine Providence, the greatest constitution in history was written after about four months of grueling debate.  Benjamin Franklin, likely the least religious of the delegates, recognized God’s Hand in the forging of this nation, and was not afraid to voice his opinion on the matter after the first few weeks of debate during the federal convention of 1787 was yielding little by way of results.
The new nation needed solutions, and the men present were arguing over matters that would not matter if the country collapsed. The elder statesman, Benjamin Franklin, who had been watching the tumultuous beginnings of the convention with patience, and in silence, spoke up. “Gentlemen, we are missing something.”
Franklin knew that in order to move forward the battling delegates needed to find a common bond that was both inspirational, and demanded virtuous action. He reminded the delegates of the Revolutionary War, and how all odds were against the states that had united for war defeating the mightiest war power on Earth. Yet, with the Hand of Divine Providence guiding them, and protecting them, the newly formed union of states defeated the British, and stood at the gateway of an exceptional existence. But as those men were fighting over the dangers, and benefits, of a central government, they had forgotten to place the proceedings in the Hands of God.
Benjamin Franklin recounted all of the miracles of America, and explained how after four or five weeks of bickering, and disagreements, on virtually every issue brought to the floor, no matter how minor, it simply proved that human understanding is imperfect. He commented on how they had studied history for examples of good and bad government, including the different forms of republics. He went on to talk about the laborious research they had engaged in, looking at the current systems of government throughout Europe. No system studied, however, was perfectly suitable for the needs of the fledgling United States.
Even with all of that research, Franklin observed, they were still unable to find the political truth they sought. How is it that they could not find the answer? Could it be that something was missing?
Should they, perhaps, humbly appeal to The Creator? Should they not consult the “Father of lights to illuminate our understandings?”
The American Revolution was a dangerous undertaking.  The founders, Franklin reminded the delegates, were on their knees in daily prayer. The prayers were heard, for only His Favor could account for their victory.
Franklin said that they were “consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? or do we imagine that we no longer need his assistance?”
Benjamin Franklin was not known to be a religious man, and he admitted that in his younger years he did not give much thought to the credence of the existence of God. But, as he had grown older, his observations were telling him otherwise. To explain this, Franklin said, “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?”
Without God, he assured his fellow delegates, “We labor in vain.” Without God, the government formed by the convention would fail. Without God they would be divided, bickering over little partial local interests. Without God, the greatness that could be the United States would be lost to future generations.
Benjamin Franklin, the celebrated “deist,” then recommended that they pray before each session of the convention.
After the motion was seconded, an interesting development occurred.
Alexander Hamilton, and a number of others that shared his political views, after Mr. Franklin’s proposal was seconded, expressed their apprehensions about praying before each session of the convention. Hamilton believed the Constitution was limiting the authorities of the federal government too much, and now was bothered that God was going to be inserted into the convention.  Like the Democrat Party during their convention of 2012, the statists in the convention were not sure they desired that God be a part of their platform.
In the end, the delegates decided that no clergy could be hired, partly due to a lack of funds, and therefore a formal prayer before each session of the Constitutional Convention was not possible. Nonetheless, refusing to allow that to stop them from seeking God’s Will before continuing, the delegates walked to the nearest church, and congregated there for a prayer.
Later in America’s journey, based on Franklin’s request, the tradition of prayer before each session of Congress was initiated.
In the opinion of a majority of the founders, Divine Providence was an important key to the success of America, and was an integral part of the essence of freedom.
In the view of the Founding Fathers, limitations on the government, the preservation of individualism, and a reliance on Divine Providence, were inseparable from justice (defined as “rules of just conduct,” not a sanctioned distribution of income) and liberty.  Without that combination, the security of personal property, and natural rights, would be in danger.  “That alone is a just government,” wrote Madison, “which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.”
The United States of America was founded upon the concept of classical-liberalism, which is consistent with limited government and the rule of law.  The essence of liberty was recognized in the limitations of government, in a system where checks and balances defended individuality, personal rights, and property, while preventing corruption, and providing a sound foundation for the emergence of a spontaneous free market that spawned wealth creation, and individual opportunity.
Until we recognize that the Constitution is the solution, and it provides the most sound system of governance when it comes to a long-run viewpoint, rather than what we see emerging where the majority rules through a purely democratic system, we run the risk of losing our liberty.  An informed electorate, by taking a long-run view, and exercising their original authority through the sovereignty of their States, will protect and preserve individualism, and be more aware of the political tides.  Understanding the essence of liberty makes us more likely to recognize the constitutional limits that insulate economic life from politics and prevent free-loader behavior that embraces the redistribution of wealth, rather than the creation of wealth through a free market system.
For the essence of liberty to prevail, government must be limited, and just.  The security of individualism, natural rights, and property must take precedence over political philosophies, and the misguided desire of the ruling elite to engage in social engineering.
The essence of liberty is found in the limitations of government, and a limited government promotes economic freedom, the rule of law, and the preservation of the rights of the people.
Without limitations on government, the essence of liberty will become nothing more than a memory of freedom.
Douglas V. Gibbs

Doug V. Gibbs is a longtime Internet radio host, conservative political activist, writer and commentator; he is the host of Constitution Radio and teaches weekly classes on the Constitution in Southern California. Follow him @douglasvgibbs.


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Rediscovering Honor
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Last year (2013) I wrote an article concerning honor.  I did so, because I have come to believe that Americans have forgotten what honor is and why it is immeasurably valuable for individuals, organizations,  and for countries.

I am unashamedly “Southern.”  WE Southerners used to be famed for our honor.  Indeed, we had a Southern Code of Honor.  It was real, not a myth, as many modern writers would have you believe.   I grew up into manhood steeped in that code of honor and to this day, make every effort to live my life, including my dealings with others and even my conversation, within the bounds of that honor code.

Often thought antiquated, quaint, and even silly, the execution of my interpretation of the code of honor has served me well.

Having said all the above, allow me to say that I am deeply concerned for our country as I am convinced that our national leaders — from the Oval Office to the halls of Congress to the US Supreme Court — have lost sight of the lofty pinnacles of honor.  Frankly, I question whether they even know what honor really is, anymore.

The phrase: “I take full responsibility for (fill in the blank)” is, itself these day, a demonstration of their less than stellar understanding of what personal honor requires.  It requires actually TAKING RESPONSIBILITY and then making every effort to repair the wrong or harm that has been done, and then, after making amends, removing oneself from the position of power from which one executed one’s less than honorable action, or inaction.   Nowadays, anything past uttering the words:
“I take full responsibility…” never happens.

So, I offer again a piece entitled: “What Is This “Honor” Stuff, Anyway?”  I offer it in the hope that somehow it will spark a return to an honorable America and leaders who understand and practice honor in their dealings with their constituents — and with other nations around the world.

Here then is:  “What Is This “Honor” Stuff, Anyway?”
What Is This “Honor” Stuff, Anyway?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

“Honor is simply the morality of superior men.”   … H. L. Mencken.
“National honor is the national property of the highest value.” … James Monroe

Honor was a big thing in my family.  Many were the times my father lectured me on family honor, on “reputation,” and maintaining a “good name.”  He often explained to me that when all the extraneous stuff is finally boiled away, all a man really owns is his “good name.”

I am sorely afraid we Americans, as a people, have forgotten the importance of honor.  In fact, I sometimes feel we have lost our connection to honor, somehow, and we don’t even understand the concept of principled uprightness of character and personal integrity.

We southerners seem to no longer have a connection to our oft-touted “Code of Honor.”  When we refer to the Field of Honor these days folks automatically think of an athletic field rather than a remote area reserved for a contest of honor, a duel, to defend one’s honor, or the honor of a maiden fair, or something equally as important.

The Southern Code of Honor was a code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men — but — it most assuredly applied to our women folk, as well.

The North had its code of honor, as well  – “the Northern code of honor was very much like that of Victorian England: a standard predicated on civility, piety, morality, Stoicism, and hard work.”  Source:

True to the multiple differences that divided the northern and southern cultures, however, there was a HUGE difference.  The northern code allowed for a man to walk away from a fight with his honor undented, while just the opposite was true for the southerner.  As we shall see, once challenged, for a southerner to walk away from a fight, a duel, was for more damaging to him, his reputation, and that of his family, than showing up for the duel and getting himself killed.  Having a family member killed in a duel was a badge of honor for some southern families.

During the early days of the War for Southern Independence, a moderately sized town just twenty miles, or so,  from my hometown was forced to establish what was then known as “Honor Courts,” in which disputes between two men — about to duel to the death — were tried. Both parties swore to abide by the Court’s ruling.  The town’s crop of young men was dangerously close to being wiped-out by the combination of the war and duels.

To understand the importance of honor amongst the southern gentry, one must understand southern society.

Southern aristocracy was about one notch below European nobility.  Some would argue it was the equal of European aristocracy.

There was very little cash money circulating within the southern plantation system.  Monetary worth was based on ownership of land, on crops, cattle, and yes, slaves. Financing such huge operations often relied upon the barter system.

Contracts were often sealed with  a promise (a man’s word) and a handshake.  THAT was considered sacred.  That promise, a man’s word, and that all important handshake, crossed all societal lines in the south. It was a measure of a man’s honor, his good name, how well he kept his word.  Southern culture was, indeed, a culture of honor.

A southern gentleman exuded courtesy.   Status, courage, family, and the all important relationship between shame and pride were all integral parts of the formula for the character of a true southern gentleman.

And there was something else, something we have way too little of today.  It was something called “R E S P E C T.”  Respect is a form, a way, if you will, of demonstrating one’s honor for someone, some thing, or some entity, idea, or what not.  Among men, respect is earned and not easily — or carelessly — given.  It has often been said that to gain respect one must give respect.

Lest you think the southern code of honor is a myth, consider this:  “Laboratory research has demonstrated that men in honor cultures perceive interpersonal threats more readily than do men in other cultures, including increases in cortisol and testosterone levels following insults.”  SOURCE:

A true Southern Gentleman would never insult a woman.  He was/is always careful to be chivalrous towards women, in words and deeds.  Insulting a lady in the presence of a Southern Gentleman has been known to bring violent retribution down on the heads of the offending low-life.   Those who understand the southern culture of honor understand that the kind, courteous, respectful gentleman can, in the twinkling of an eye, bring down retributive violence — with great alacrity — and — without notice.  He is always prepared to resort to violence if, and when, the situation requires it.

Now, gentle reader, all the above is from the perspective of a born and bred, very proud, southern male … namely — me.

C. S. Lewis once said:  “We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” (The Abolition of Man)

I broach the subject to remind us all that there is such a thing as national honor, too. 

I have often thought that courage and honor are forever linked to one another.  That would apply to national courage and honor as well as to that of individuals.   Aristotle  said:  “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind NEXT TO HONOR.”

The state motto of the state of North Carolina is:  “To be, rather than to seem.”  I have often wondered if that motto was based upon one of Socrates’ pearls of wisdom — namely — this one: “The greatest way to live with HONOR in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”

It pains me to acknowledge that America’s national honor has been badly besmirched in the last few days by the actions — and inactions — of the one man responsible for protecting that honor.

It is our contention, President Obama should offer his resignation and step down from office.  In doing so he would preserve SOME of the respect his fellow Americans had for him prior to the Syrian/Russia debacle.

Doug Patton, in an article published at Canada Free Press entitled:  “The Most Embarrassing President of My Lifetime” says the following:  “Obama is a symbol of much of today’s generation, which accepts no responsibility for anything. Therefore, when something goes wrong among his cockamamie plans, it must be someone else’s fault. Usually, of course, it would be George Bush’s fault, but even Obama couldn’t bring himself to tell that one again, not in this case. No, this time it’s the whole world’s fault. And Congress. And America. It’s American credibility that will suffer, he told the world, not his. Unbelievable.”  SOURCE:

Mr. Patton is spot-on!  Mr. Obama demonstrates ZERO knowledge of honor, personal and/or national honor.

Friedrich Schiller reminded us all that: “That nation is worthless which does not joyfully stake everything on her honor.” 

America’s debasement in the eyes of the world is a stinging insult, a back-handed rebuke to every citizen of America.

Honor demands Mr. Obama step down.

© J. D. Longstreet


VISIT J. D. Longstreet’s “INSIGHT on Freedom” Face Book Page!!:   (Just click on the link for more conservative commentary by J. D. Longstreet and other popular conservative writers!)

Is Affirmative Action To Blame?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Whether or not it was intended, Barack Hussein Obama is our affirmative action President.

We Americans have been living with the nightmare of affirmative action since President John F. Kennedy used the words in Executive Order 10925  on March 6, 1961, to promote actions that were intended to achieve non-discrimination.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who followed JFK, issued Executive Order 11246 in 1965, which required government employers to take “affirmative action” to “hire without regard to race, religion and national origin”.  (Read more at:

Affirmative action is intended to promote the opportunities of defined minority groups within a society to give them equal access to that of the privileged majority population.

Many believe affirmative action has been a plague upon the nation ever since JFK and LBJ saddled us — or “yoked” us — with it.

One of the chief complaints has been, from day one, that persons unqualified for jobs were given preference for those jobs over applicants who were far more qualified through training, experience, education, etc. than the person who wound up with the job due solely to his/her race.

Somehow, we muddled along until 2008 when America made it’s worse affirmative action mistake of them all.  America hired an unqualified person to be President of the United States — based on his race.

Within four years the US had sunk to third-world status with an international visage indistinguishable from that of a “banana republic.”

In 2012 the loyal opposition from the Right offered up a moderate candidate to oppose Obama and the conservative wing, the base of the loyal opposition, stayed home — in droves — and the affirmative action hire was re-hired for another four years.

And we wonder why the country is in such bad shape.

In an article at, famous journalist Nat Hentoff  ” …  also pointed out that Obama was the only editor of the Harvard Law Review to never publish an article, something that went virtually unnoticed when voters considered his qualifications.

“See, that was a case of affirmative-action and people feeling, ‘Hey we ought to do something important, symbolically, and here’s a black guy, and he’s articulate, so we’re gonna do this.’”

Hentoff mentioned that former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, the man Time Magazine once called “the most doctrinaire and committed civil libertarian ever to sit on the court,” once personally lectured him that “Affirmative-action on a racial basis is a total violation of the 14th Amendment, no doubt about it.”

And, referring to Obama’s presidency, the journalist said, “That’s what that kind of affirmative-action did for us.”— SOURCE: 

We have opined many times over what we believe is Mr. Obama’s abuse of power, especially his abuse of executive orders.  He has made a fine art of circumventing Congress and governing by fiat, or by decree, much as a king, or a dictator.

Just recently the President said:   “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone … and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.” — SOURCE:

The American legislative system, the Congress, was intended, indeed, it was designed to be slow and ponderous.  Making laws SHOULD be slow, arduous, and ponderous.  Citizen’s freedom is at stake. 

Obama is simply ignoring the constitution and, pretty much, doing as he pleases — and NOBODY IS CALLING HIM ON IT!

Where is the spine, the intestinal fortitude, the cahones, the GUTS to say to the President: “Sir, you are way out of bounds.  You are acting outside the boundaries set by the constitution on the office of President of the United States?”  Is it not the duty of the co-equal branch of the government to represent the people, especially when the people are pleading for them to confront the President and stop his dictatorial machinations while they still can? 

What are they afraid of? WHO are they afraid of?  The inaction of the Congress, especially the  GOP controlled House of Representatives, certainly does not instill confidence in the people of the country that the Republicans can take the necessary bold steps to right the nation if placed in charge of the House and Senate in November. 

Mr. Obama cannot be allowed to continue his reign as America’s first dictator.  Understanding that the impeachment process will get no farther than the US Senate, the House of Representatives has a duty to bring impeachment proceedings against the President regardless.

But — it’s not going to happen.  The House is not going to start impeachment proceedings against President Obama, at all.  They’re scared.  That’s right.  The Republican controlled House of Representatives is scared that such a maneuver would look “political.”  So?  Aren’t they politicians?  Isn’t this what they do … political stuff, I mean?  Of course it is.  It’s just another lame excuse from a spineless bunch of limp-wristed RINO’s who form the hierarchy of the Republican Party today.

I would remind the GOP that nothing is guaranteed.  The Mid-Term Election, looks good for the Republicans — right NOWBut ten months can be an eternity in politics and the tables can quickly turn. 

Just a few short decades ago, America’s horizon was unlimited. America was the land of dreams and opportunity.  In the past five years, just half a decade, we have seen those horizons drawn in until they have begun to suffocate us and smother freedom and liberty with a thick blanket of rules, regulations, and laws many of which do not pass the constitutionality test, let alone the smell test.

One house of our bicameral Congress is controlled by Socialists/Marxists, our President is a Marxist and a would-be dictator, Our Supreme Court is, many believe, compromised by the political Left, while our electorate is consumed by ignorance and apathy.

With all this considered, to simply say that turning America around will be difficult, may be the understatement of the century!

But — lest we forget … we are AMERICANS!  Facing and overcoming adversity is what we do. It is the American character.

As a nation, we made a huge error, a mistake, in 2008 and then we compounded the error in 2012. We got ourselves into this mess — now we have to get ourselves out of it.

Whether, or not, Obama is an affirmative action president is an open question.  What we do know is this:  It WILL take affirmative action — by the men and women who are supposed to lead this country — to remove him.

Their inaction to date is inexcusable.

J. D. Longstreet


VISIT J. D. Longstreet’s “INSIGHT on Freedom” Face Book Page!!:   (Just click on the link for more conservative commentary by J. D. Longstreet and other popular conservative writers!)