Archive for September 14, 2012

America’s Feckless Leader Apologizes AGAIN
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The assault on US embassies in Cairo, Egypt and in Benghazi, Libya recently puts the lie to the claims that Islamic nations can exist as democratic nations that contribute something to the rest of the world — something other than war and bloodshed.

The whole thing smacks of Jimmy Carter and the US embassy take over in Tehran. I had one flashback after the other as I watched the stories flooding out of Libya. And why not? The causation is the same — incompetence by the then — and current — presidential administration of the United States.

Obama looked and sounded like Jimmy Carter using some of the very same phraseology Carter used when Ronald Reagan condemned Carter’s handling of the hostage crisis in Iran under his (Carter’s) watch.

Those of us who raised cautions when the US was interfering in the uprisings in both Egypt and Libya can now feel justified, not that we didn’t already. We warned then that we were only replacing one “America hating regime” with another “America hating regime.” Turns out — once again — we were right!

It’s called “common sense.” There’s no magic to it. It takes no degree in geopolitics to be able to view the world in the cold, hard, light of reality.

I’m told that an act of war is a state sponsored attack against another sovereign state. We’ve been assured that neither of the latest attacks on US territory, our embassies, qualify as acts of war. How, exactly, do we know? I mean — for sure, how do we know.

The utter naivete of the US State Department is legendary. It is immeasurable.

It’s amateur hour at the White House and at the State Department. Neither seems to understand that when you embrace your enemy there’s a very good chance that you will get a knife in the back.

Even as I write, reports are coming in of another assault on one of our embassies. This one in Yemen.

So, now we wait for our feckless President to apologize — AGAIN!

Yes, I AM tired of osculating the derriere of Muslims intent on our destruction! Especially when Obama gives the back of his hand to Israel and kisses-up to the Muslims. It is DISGUSTING!

It is worth noting that even though Obama cannot find the time to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, he, somehow, WILL find time to meet with the Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President. Obama spurns the friendship of our only ally in the Middle East — yet offers the hand of welcome to the Muslims.

Tell me again why we are not to assume Mr. Obama is a Muslim? Is Obama just a plain ole antisemite? Or both? (If that is possible.)

Why is it the folks on the political left insist on making diplomacy so difficult? Why are they so apologetic for being a superpower? The US EARNED its place at the top and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

We allow pipsqueak nations to “rub our noses in it.” We allow avowed enemies to invade and destroy our territory and murder out citizens and then — our leader publicly apologies for somebody, somewhere, doing something that upset them and caused them to invade our territory and murder our citizens. It makes no sense, whatsoever, to anybody but leftists.

We conservatives are often accused by the left of “shooting from the hip.” OK. Allow me to ask this: When someone is shooting at YOU, is it not better to shoot from the hip than not shoot at all??

Look. America’s enemies are not afraid of us! They have no respect for America. Why should they be? They can do whatever they darn well please and they know our President will be slobbering after them begging them for forgiveness and asking for their love. It is a national embarrassment.

Look. I subscribe to the philosophy, especially in foreign policy, that having the world love us is of no consequence. What is important, however, is that the world respect us, or fear us, OR BOTH! I could not care less whether they like/love us.

Now that our feckless (Yeah, I’m using the word again because I think it describes our President to a tee!) Leader has made it plain he wants no truck with Israel, then Israel should accept that until the US gets itself a new President, they (Israel) are indeed on their own. They no longer have to feel compelled to kiss Obama’s ring. Now — they can go ahead and nuke Iran’s nuclear facilities to kingdom come and be done with it. If the US gets dragged in, as it surely will, TOUGH!

In my opinion, America’s new President needs to do three things ASAP. Re-assert America as the biggest, baddest, dude on the block, purge the State Department of leftist political hacks and replace them with conservative hard-nosed realists, and purge The Pentagon of “politician soldiers” and replace them with real warriors. We desperately need military brass who will tell the President the way it is rather than the way they think the President wants it to be.

America (and the free world) is in desperate need of a new leader — one with backbone. It should be clear now that when America steps back — all hell breaks loose on planet earth.

It is time to set things aright. Americans need to give America and, indeed, the WORLD a break by voting Obama out of office in November.

J. D. Longstreet


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Rosh Hashanah 2012 – Ancient Prayers, New Dangers

By Alan Caruba

The question of the day is: When was the last time that Israelis attacked an American embassy, took hostages, or killed an American diplomat? The answer is: Never.

The answer to a similar question about Islam is a long list of such attacks going back to Iran in 1979 when American diplomats in Tehran were seized and held hostage for 444 days and most recently in Cairo, in Libya, and in Yemen, when our embassies were besieged this week. The attacks were timed to coordinate with the eleventh anniversary of the attack on America on 9/11..

Generally unknown to Americans is that, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, in the weeks leading up to the 9/11 anniversary Muslim clerics and others throughout the Arab world repeated the fiction that 9/11 was actually orchestrated by the U.S. and Jews in order to target Islam and Muslims. Steeped in centuries of anti-Semitic Islamic teachings, this conspiracy theory is widely accepted.

The House of Mirrors in the Middle East is one in which everything is a reverse of reality. It is a narrative in which it is the Muslims who are the victims and 9/11 was an American and Jewish plot against them.

In addition to the anniversary of 9/11, the current turmoil in the Middle East is occurring as Jews around the world are preparing to celebrate their High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

On October 6, 1973, following a succession of wars, Israel was once again attacked. It was Yom Kippur. This exemplifies the hatred felt throughout the Middle East towards Israel. On 9/11 Americans were reminded of their hatred for our nation. Eleven years later, nothing has changed.

One would think that Israel could count on the support of the U.S. as Iran rushes to create their own nuclear weapons for the expressed purpose of destroying Israel, but the Obama administration has broken a bond that dates back to 1948 when the U.S. was the first to recognize the establishment of Israel.

President Obama has invited Egypt’s President, Mohammed Morsi, to meet with him in New York when the UN convenes a session, but pointedly could find no time in his schedule for Israel’s Premier, Bibi Netanyahu. While embassies throughout the Middle East and worldwide are on heightened alert, Obama’s highest priority is to raise money for his reelection.

That is the current status of affairs as Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of Saturday and extends through Sunday. It occurs ten days before Yom Kippur and it is on Yom Kippur that Mamoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will address the United Nations. He will find a friendly reception because the UN has been the locus of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic sentiments for decades.

Synagogues around the United States are likely to have a strong police presence on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Recently, in Manalapan, in my home State of New Jersey, a neighborhood was defaced by swastikas and graffiti, but while there are occasional anti-Semitic incidents the American Jewish community remains secure.

In reality, though, all Americans remain the target for Islam’s the holy war.

The coming U.S. elections are a time of choosing and it is clear that the Democratic Party has been captured by its extreme left wing. This was demonstrated when the inclusion of a platform plank mentioning God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel required three votes for passage at the recent Democratic Party convention and was loudly booed by a significant portion of the delegates.

The convention more nearly resembled a meeting of the former Soviet Comintern and, along with his associations, statements, and actions over the years, the DNC nominee, President Obama, is hostile to Israel, having thoroughly absorbed the anti-American sermons in the Chicago church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright who, following 9/11, famously said, “the chickens have come home to roost.” He, like so many others, blames America.

So we are not just going to elect a new president in November, we are going to cast a vote for a future of much-needed economic recovery and one in which the most fundamental American values and faith are reaffirmed. We shall do so as America remains under attack by Islam.

L’Shanah Tovah, the Hebrew greeting on Rosh Hashanah translates as “May you have a good year.” For America, a good year will begin only if the nation rids itself of the worst President in its history.

© Alan Caruba, 2011


Alan Caruba’s commentaries are posted daily at “Warning Signs” and shared on dozens of news and opinion websites. His blog recently passed more than 1.7 million page views. If you love to read, visit his monthly report on new books at Bookviews. For information on his professional skills, Caruba Editorial Services is the place to go! You can find me on both Facebook and Twitter as well.