Archive for November 19, 2012

Obama’s War With The Military
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

I get the sense that there is a powerful struggle going on just out of public view between the US Military and the Obama Administration.

When one stands back and objectively considers the manner in which the Obama Regime is using our military today, even with the slightest military training, it is fairly easy to see they are being badly used, placed at unnecessary risk, and probably worse, put on a leash.

To be absolutely honest, I suspect the Obama Regime fears a military coup to remove him and his socialist minions from power.

Come on! SOMETHING is going on! Look at the number of top generals relieved of duty or brought to public disgrace recently. And I believe there will more of this sort of humiliating put-down of our top brass in the days and weeks to come.

General Petraeus’ dalliance has been known for some time, rather a long time, in fact. It is said to have been an open secret among the men and women within the General’s sphere of influence. Why, suddenly, on the day after Obama’s reelection was his resignation demanded?

Within days, General John Allen is dragged into pubic scrutiny over what some say were flirtatious e-mails. It’s being billed as “potentially improper communications with a woman.”

Then there is General William “Kip” Ward commander of US Africa Command or “Africom.” He, too, has been publicly humiliated and demoted.

According to the Associated Press : “Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has demoted the former head of U.S. Africa Command who was accused of spending thousands of dollars on lavish travel and other unauthorized expenses, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Panetta stripped Gen. William “Kip” Ward of a star, which means that he will now retire as a three-star lieutenant general. Ward also has been ordered to repay the government $82,000.” SOURCE:

Then we learned that General Carter Ham, who was appointed to succeed General Ward as Commander of Africom, was said to have also been removed from his command position. Why?? Well, the story making the unofficial rounds was that General Ham had mounted a rescue mission to attempt to save the Americans in the Benghazi terror attack. The story is related that after General Ham received the “stand-down” command he, basically, said “screw-it” and decide to send his rapid response team to Libya anyway. The story says that within one minute he was apprehended by his second in command and told that he was relieved of his command. You may read the article for yourself at:

But — as it turns out, General Ham is STILL in Command of Africom — BUT — he IS leaving this coming spring well ahead of what is normally a three year stint in that position. The general will be — retiring.

It is clear to this scribe that the folks who comprise the Obama Regime know next to nothing about military affairs. They do not understand warriors or the warrior culture. They do not understand that when you go to war you want the meanest, badest, dude you can find by your side. You want commanders who know the mind — not just of their warriors — but of the enemy’s warriors, as well.

A successful military demands leaders with experience. Those leaders must be respected by the men and women they command. Even though the troops respect the Office of Commander-in-Chief, that does not necessarily mean they respect the man or woman holding the office.

The glue that holds a military machine together is RESPECT. All this is simply lost on the Obama Regime. They don’t even know enough to know it is an extremely dangerous game they are playing. The security of the country is at stake.

All you need to know about the relations between the US military and the Obama Regime is the Obama doctrine of “Lead From Behind.” That is total anathema to our military.

There can be no doubt that the brass are angry as hell at the Obama Regime and its minions in Washington and, to a lesser degree, the remainder of the politicians in Congress who seem on the cusp of gutting our fighting forces and hollowing out the greatest military on earth. Add to that Obama’s failure to even make an attempt to rescue our fellow Americans in Benghazi and you have the basis for flaming outrage aimed at the Commander-in-Chief.

Obama has split and divided Americans since the day he took office. There is every reason to believe that his divisive efforts reach into our intelligence agencies and into our military, as well.

Consider this: If a President decided to make himself, uh, “President for Life”, who would the American people look to to stop him? The US Military, that’s who. Remember, the US military has sworn to defend and protect the US Constitution — not the President, not the government.

There is palpable tension between the US military and the Commander-in-Chief today. That much is clear.

There is a school of thought in some quarters that Obama will go ahead with possible plans to snatch control of the military budget from Congress and place an “independent panel” in charge of military spending while slashing the defense budget in ways that will shock and awe America, not to mention the Pentagon.

There are those who believe the slashed resources of the U.S. armed forces will be spread even thinner by using them to combat “global warming,” fight global poverty, remedy “injustice,” bolster the United Nations and step up use of “peacekeeping” deployments.” These thoughts were expressed in the book: “Fool Me Twice.”

In “Fool Me Twice,” investigative journalists and New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott reveal the detailed blueprints for President Obama’s second term in office. Learn more about this book at:

It is impossible to see how this will all play out. But it is never good when a president and the armed forces are at each other’s throats.

It is at times such as these that I tend to question the wisdom of the decision by America’s Founding Fathers to place a civilian in charge of the military. One could argue our forefathers never dreamed Americans would ever elect men of questionable intent to the Office of President. If so, on that — they were absolutely mistaken.

© J. D. Longstreet


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Tehran, the Terror Capitol of the World

By Alan Caruba

In ancient times the expression was “All roads lead to Rome.” An impressive network of roads had been built to maintain the Roman Empire, but it eventually broke apart and failed. These days all roads lead to Tehran, the capital of Iran, the terror capitol of the world, and to its supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The attacks on Israel were ordered by Khamenei and the support for Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad come from Khamenei. Perhaps inspired by the success of the al Qaeda attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of 9/11, Hamas—a proxy for Iran in Gaza—increased its rocket attacks on Israel.

Among the rockets raining down on Israel is a Fajr-5 that is made in Iran.
It is important to keep in mind that these rocket attacks have been made for a decade. However, following the reelection of President Obama, they increased and it is my view that the Iranians have taken his measure of the four years of his first term and concluded that he would do little to support Israel and that they could increase their efforts to create nuclear weapons with which to destroy Israel and threaten the Middle East and the world.
DEBKA File, an Israeli news agency reported on November 17th that President Obama had called Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu to reiterate “his support for Israel’s right to defend itself.” In addition, he called Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to urge him “to persuade Hamas to accept Israel’s terms for a ceasefire.”
The reality is that there has been no ceasefire from Hamas since it seized control of Gaza from Fatah, as the Palestinian Liberation Organization is also known. The PLO governs the West Bank, an area Israel secured as the result of an earlier war.
Israel is under fire as the direct result of Obama’s actions and statements during his first term. This is what happens when sixty years of support and cooperation are abandoned in an effort to curry acceptance by Middle Eastern regimes and people.
It is useful to consider the record of wars waged against Israel since it declared its sovereignty in 1948. The announcement was followed immediately by the 1948 Arab-Israeli War that ended in July 1949. Military actions were carried out against Israel throughout the 1950s and 60s from Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. There was conflict when Israel joined Britain and France after Egypt announced its intention to occupy the Sinai Peninsula and take over the Suez Canal. The Six-Day War in June 1967 was triggered by Egypt and joined by Jordan and Syria. Israel won a decisive victory, expanding its territory to include the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Gaza.
Another war of attrition followed from 1967 to 1970. In October 1973 Israel was attacked on its holiest day, Yom Kippur, by Egypt and Syria. From 1971 to 1982 led to an invasion of Lebanon in 1978. In 1982, another war was fought with Lebanon which had become a staging area for the Iranian proxy, Hezbollah. More conflict continued from 1987 to 2000. From 1987 through to 2005, a Palestinian uprising known as the Intifada continued. And in 2006 another war with Lebanon was triggered by the abduction of two Israeli reserve soldiers by Hezbollah.
The first Gaza war, December 2008 to January 2009, was waged against Hamas, an Iranian proxy, and now, as the result of months of rocket attacks on Israel, it has been renewed.

The Iranians are within months of achieving their long time goal of creating a nuclear arsenal. On October 19 DEBKA File reported that its intelligence sources had learned that Iran “had finished installing in Fordo the last set of advanced centrifuges for enriching uranium to 20 percent purity” which will give the ability to enhanced these stocks to the 90 percent bomb-making level.
“American experts,” said DEBKA File, “now estimate that this jump would take no more than two to three weeks from the moment a go-ahead order came down from Khamenei.”

Writing in the November 16 Wall Street Journal, Saul Singer said “Even the debate over sanctions and military action against Iran’s nuclear program largely misses the point. The solution is for Iran’s regime to fall, and the key to that isn’t sanctions or even military action. It is for Western governments to star saying to Iran’s leaders what they told Egypt’s Hosni Mubarack, Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi, ad Syria’s Bashar Assad: You must go.”
Singer said that “There is a reason why Iran is desperately trying—with money, personnel and weapons—to keep Assad’s brutal regime afloat in Syria. What the mullahs fear more is the Arab Spring spreading to Iran.”
Even former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, writing in a recent issue of the Washington Post, said, “The most urgent decision facing the president is how to stop Iran from pursuing a military nuclear program.”
World War II began because the nations of Europe sought appeasement with the Nazi regime. They delayed preemptive action until it was too late. The U.S. and the nations of the world have followed the same path with Iran. The Obama “apology tour” to the Middle East has been a total failure and has brought the world to the brink of a war there that could spread to wherever there are nations with large Muslim populations. And Europe has large Muslim populations.
All this is happening as a U.S. government in gridlock faces a “fiscal cliff” that would require huge cuts to our defense budget at the worst possible time. A profligate Obama regime has increased the national debt to $16 trillion and large numbers of Americans are unemployed. This mirrors the 1930s in which a recession from which the nation could have recovered was so badly botched that it became the Great Depression.

The only option the U.S. and the West has is to join with Israel to destroy or significantly disable Iran’s nuclear program and attack its military capabilities. The Gaza attacks on Israel are part of the Iranian effort to test and “soften up” its defenses, to engage the Israeli Defense Force in a ground war that will deplete its armed forces.
Americans and Israelis embrace life, but our enemies embrace death. They are taught from birth that dying in a holy war—a jihad—opens the gates to paradise.

We are on the brink of a Third World War intended to bring about a new Islamic caliphate, the control of the world by Islam.
© Alan Caruba, 2012

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